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Felony Stupidity

Touré, declares his support for “the open borders movement.”

“The answer to our immigration issue is open borders… Tear down the fences. Rip up the red tape. Yup; I’m embracing the open borders movement… Open borders attacks the root cause of Muslim extremism. Impoverished men in Muslim countries are more easily radicalized. It’s Muslim poverty that is threatening our security.”

Opinion by AAABTonto:

MSNBC’s co-host of The Cycle, Touré, said, “just as currency and employment are border-less (what in the hell does that mean?), immigration should also be border-less.” He proclaimed that poverty in foreign nations was fueling terrorism and would be eliminated if America had open borders.

Every contention this idiot made is untrue. Especially the part about Muslim violence being motivated by their poverty. Islamic radicals could care less about poverty, their mission is to honor Allah by waging jihad. This is common knowledge to anyone who has any understanding of Islam’s desire to be the only true religion in the whole of the world. Yet the progressive fools in the MSM continue to placate Muslims and ignore Islam’s near genocidal persecution of Christians throughout the Muslim world. If we were to listen to blithering fools like Touré, we would soon find ourselves overrun by immigrants and under the iron fist of Sharia.

Qur’an 3:32Say: Obey Allah and the Apostle; but if they turn back, then surely Allah does not love the unbelievers.

Qur’an 5:51O you who believe! do not take the Jews and the Christians for friends; they are friends of each other; and whoever amongst you takes them for a friend, then surely he is one of them; surely Allah does not guide the unjust people.

Qur’an 9:29Fight those who believe not in Allah nor the Last Day, nor hold that forbidden which hath been forbidden by Allah and His Messenger, nor acknowledge the Religion of Truth, from among the People of the Book, until they pay the Jizyah with willing submission, and feel themselves subdued.

Qur’an 9:30And the Jews say: Uzair is the son of Allah; and the Christians say: The Messiah is the son of Allah; these are the words of their mouths; they imitate the saying of those who disbelieved before; may Allah destroy them; how they are turned away!

Qur’an 9:73O Prophet! strive hard against the unbelievers and the hypocrites and be unyielding to them; and their abode is hell, and evil is the destination.

Qur’an 9:111Surely Allah has bought of the believers their persons and their property for this, that they shall have the garden; they fight in Allah’s way, so they slay and are slain; a promise which is binding on Him in the Taurat and the Injeel and the Quran; and who is more faithful to his covenant than Allah? Rejoice therefore in the pledge which you have made; and that is the mighty achievement.

Qur’an 9:123O you who believe! fight those of the unbelievers who are near to you and let them find in you hardness; and know that Allah is with those who guard (against evil).

Qur’an 47:35Be not weary and fainthearted, crying for peace, when ye should be uppermost: for Allah is with you, and will never put you in loss for your (good) deeds.

Raymond Ibrahim: The Mass Exodus of Christians from the Muslim World

Obsession:Radical Islam’s War Against the West (2007)

Now more than ever, we have to educate the American people

Islam will dominate the world 2

Elitism and Fundamental Transformation

Obama fundamental transformation

Opinion by AAABTonto:

Whenever I hear a progressive or liberal speak I am in awe. Their perspectives and conclusions are not just different; they are utterly devoid of tangible reality. I can accept that they would favor socialism over capitalism, amoral versus moral and atheism versus creationism. They are entitled to their point of view and I respect that, but I am a conservative with libertarian leanings and I am entitled to mine.

What I have a problem with is that they do not reciprocate this concept. I am not entitled to my opinion. The progressive or liberal is a one-way street. My opinion is irrelevant or, even more bombastic; my opinion is oppressive—even criminal. Liberty does not have to be imposed, socialism does. The Democrats, liberal media and moderates on both sides of the aisle claim that the Right needs to “compromise,” but their definition of compromise means that I should just shut up and do it all their way. I am intolerant because I merely question their position on any given subject. I am an anarchist because I want to see a limited government in the original vision of the Founding fathers. I am an extremist because I believe in the literal and concrete stipulations that the Constitution enunciates. I am belligerent because I request that they show me facts instead of precedents. I am inferior because I prefer action to words.

Recently, Harry Reid made an appearance on the Rusty Humphries Show and he was asked about comments he made deriding the Tea Party and accusing them of being anarchists:

Harry Reid doubles down on calling Tea Partiers a bunch of anarchists

The Tea Party is not advocating anarchism and that is fact, Harry. I think Harry may have the Tea Party confused with the Occupy Wall Street crowd. Harry’s ridiculous statement is exhibit “A” in my contention here. He knows this isn’t true, but he is determined to paint his opponents in the worst light possible–the truth be damned. The progressives are so determined to fundamentally transform America from a constitutional republic into a socialist oligarchy that they are flagrantly denying truth to its face. They think they can say anything and their parrots in the MSM will will hammer it home as fact.

Broke back USA

Liberals look at the Constitution and read things that are not even there and in the same moment deny things that couldn’t be more succinctly written. President Obama has openly criticized the Construction because it defends the citizen from the government and makes no inclusions for what the government can “do to the citizen.” Progressives, liberals, Obama and his minions are “statists” and they have no use for the individual.

Examine their derision of Christianity and their ironic embrace of Islam. Christianity does not impose its will; it encourages others to follow the Gospel but does not “force” them to do so. Christianity promotes charity, forgiveness and self responsibility. Islam, on the other hand, commands its followers to fight those who do not believe the teachings of Muhammad. It oppresses women, condones sexual slavery, polygamy and wife beating. Women are not to be educated. Homosexuals are to be put to death. Thieves are to suffer the amputation of hands and feet on opposing sides of the body. Islam is a theocracy—the religion is the law and yet, liberals are more accepting of it than Christianity. Liberals will deny a Christians’ right to prayer before a graduation ceremony, but demand that an airport install foot baths for Muslim cab drivers. This is patently insane, but sanity doesn’t matter when “results” are the ultimate goal–regardless of cost.

Most insulting of liberal traits is their assumed superiority—a quality they share with Muslims. Conservative Christians are knuckle dragging Neanderthals who believe the fairytale laden “Bible”—they aren’t intelligent enough to comprehend the astute, ingenious methodology of the elite statists. Individualism is threatening to the state, which seeks to mollify the masses and make them into modular components for the elite to plug and play as they see fit.

Clarence Thomas: Obama ‘Approved By The Elites’

They love America—to death. If you question a liberal’s patriotism they will come unglued. They will immediately accuse you of being a fascist—something they don’t even know the definition of …Meanwhile, their President directs the government to buy General Motors and literally denies the rightful shareholders of GM stock to any compensation (fascism defined). There is your liberal patriotism; stealing from one person to give to another. Redistribution is “patriotic”?

Fundamental Transformation Is Not Patriotic. It Just Isn’t.

The problem we have is not that we are opposed by Democrats and progressive liberals, conservatives are even being dismissed by the Republican Party! We are, thank God, still in control of the House of Representatives–or are we? The House is charged with approving the funding for the government. John Boehner is supposed to be in control of the purse strings and could simply de-fund Obamacare and all the other reckless fiscal appropriations that Obama has forced on us against our will, but he does nothing! What the hell is Boehner’s problem? Boehner said:

“We have voted many times over the last 2 years that we’ve been in the majority to defund Obamacare, to repeal Obamacare, and we will do so again here in the House in the coming months,” Boehner said. “Our goal here is to cut spending. It’s not to shut down the government.”

“I believe that trying to put Obamacare on this vehicle risks shutting down the government,” Boehner continued. “That’s not what our goal is. Our goal here is to reduce spending.”

Really? Excuse me Speaker, but your efforts seem to have done damn little to thwart a $17 trillion deficit! And … Senator Reid thinks we aren’t spending enough. The government is spending us into oblivion and shutting it down, until we can get a handle on this, sounds like a damn good idea to me! We need a responsible government that respects the taxpayers who fund it. The Left is never going to think kindly of you, Speaker Boehner, so why not get something for their hatred of you? Shut it down and derail the “fundamental transformation” before it really is too late.

What is Boehner’s agenda?  Is he carrying water for the other team? Could he possibly find the spine to be critical of the President, who has bankrupt the country, abused his power and withheld information about Fast & Furious and Benghazi? Might it not be time to be critical of an administration whose State Department is intimidating employees from telling the truth about events surrounding the Benghazi  cover-up? Oh no, we better not make any waves and upset the beltway boat there on Capitol Hill. The NY Times might get upset.


“Those who expect to reap the blessings of freedom, must, like men, undergo the fatigues of supporting it.”
– Thomas Paine, The American Crisis, No. 4, September 11, 1777

The Coming Bold Transformation of the American City

Obama’s Brazen Cover-up Is Unchallenged by MSM

ambassador stevens death

Opinion by AAABTonto:

Obama’s dogmatic arrogance seems to have no limits. He has the media in his pocket, a corrupt Attorney General to vacate the rule of law, a whole host of unionized government bureaucracies covering his six and his army of czars willing to manipulate the cogs and wheels of power to insulate and fabricate whatever he deems necessary to forge his will.

Little by little the truth is seeping through the cracks of his deception, though. Five separate House Committees investigating the Benghazi attack issued a damning preliminary report this past week and their findings are more than disturbing. Like all things with the Obama administration, the answers beget more questions. Evidence illustrates that Hillary lied (right through her pearly whites) repeatedly, to Congress and the American people, about what she knew, what she did and what she didn’t to do. She utterly failed in her duties on September 11, 2012 resulting in the deaths of four Americans to include Ambassador Stevens. Their blood is on her hands.

benghazi_attack_us_politics_2012_09_12Adding insult to injury is the fact that the State Department is blocking specific lawyers from representing Benghazi whistle-blowers. In an interview on WMAL, Joe DiGenova said the State Department was blocking local lawyer Victoria Toensing from representing whistle-blowers of the 2012 Benghazi attacks.

“The Department of State is refusing to grant clearances to Victoria and other people who want to represent the whistleblowers in an attempt to prevent the testimony,” DiGenova said.

Joe DiGenova on WMAL 4-29-13

This is beyond incredible. I cannot even begin to fathom the nuclear uproar that would ensue if these actions were taking place beneath the helm of a Republican administration. I am almost rendered apoplectic, but I refuse to yield and you should too! Never in my life have I witnessed arrogance of this magnitude. We cannot let Obama get away with this incomprehensible travesty of justice.

It has been nearly eight months since the Benghazi attack and we have heard almost nothing out of the Obama administration except his original explanation of this and other events that day could be laid at the feet of a guy who made a lousy video that supposedly “insulted” Muslims worldwide. Then, while we were still recoiling from the Boston Marathon bombing, Obama claimed not to understand what ideology could have possibly motivated the bombers …Could we possibly get the truth for once?


Instead we are treated to Obama’s praise for a washed up NBA star who has come out of the closet claiming to be gay–how courageous …

It seems like we always have to talk about homosexuality, reproductive rights, racism, gun control or any number of Progressive social causes, but we never get to hear the truth. If we bring up the truth then we are intolerant, bigoted, racist, homophobic, Islamophobic extremists! We can’t put a convicted murderer to death, but we have to abort viable late term pregnancies. We can’t say an Islamic terrorist shot up Fort Hood–we have to call that work place violence. We can’t insult Muslims, but we have to remove every reference to God anywhere its found. We can’t teach children how to think for themselves; we have to teach them how to be a victim and to blame it on a  conservative. We have to “fundamentally transform” America from the Land of the Free into the Home of the Depraved …

Sinister Obama 1Liberty is the bane of tyranny ….


From Hillsdale College’s American Heritage Online Course – Week 8


The Progressive movement in America dawned with the 20th century. Animated by a common dedication to statism, and influenced by the ideas of Darwin, self-identified Progressives believed that the problems associated with the urban and industrial revolutions required government to assume a more active and powerful role in the lives of citizens.