Judge Jeanine “Fact Blasts” Hillary & Obama Administration on Benghazi Attack – 5-11-13
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Spacewalking Astros Fix ISS Ammonia Leak
Spacewalking Astros Fix ISS Ammonia Leak
After Last-Minute Spacewalk Fix, It’s Wait-and-See on Space Station
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Happy Mothers Day
Happy Mothers Day
Happy Mothers Day to all those moms out there who never give up and always come through.
My mother, God rest her soul, gave me her all and though she wasn’t perfect, she was awesome. She taught me many lessons of life and most importantly, showed me the value of humility. The few times that she was wrong about something she admitted it. My mother never, ever gave up and her tenacity is the greatest gift I received from her. God bless you Mom, I really, really miss you …
Political AIDS: Autonomic Islamic Denial Syndrome
The dam may have finally burst…
Opinion by AAABTonto:
As an artist, I enjoy painting pictures and creating illustrations. As a writer, I enjoy painting pictures with words … Immediately following the Benghazi attack and the other assaults on 9/11/2012, the Obama administration claimed that it was all a response to that lousy YouTube video insulting Islam that few people had ever seen. This claim went on and on for weeks to include a tour of the Sunday morning talking head shows and a UN speech by Susan Rice. Where was Hilliary?
Now, eight months later, the truth is beginning to see the light of day. During this time we have not been allowed to interview the survivors of the Benghazi attack or get a reasonable explanation as to why a rescue attempt wasn’t made and furthermore, why a rescue attempt was told to “stand down.” This terrible incident took place a mere two months before the November 2012 Presidential election and resulted in the deaths of four brave, worthy Americans–Ambassador Chris Stevens, Glen Doherty, Sean Smith and Tyrone Woods.
As we have begun to unravel the twisted, tangled obfuscations of Obama’s front line defenders in his administration and the MSM, we are warned that we shouldn’t “make this into a political issue” and that “Republicans are engaging in a witch hunt.” More likely we are getting closer to an ugly truth; otherwise they wouldn’t have been lying about it all from the very beginning.
We do know that Ambassador Stevens was procuring weapons and supplies from Libya and delivering them to Syrian rebels. This is disgusting in and of itself as, in doing so, we are dealing with our enemy and to what end–what purpose will this serve? There are no good choices to make in the circumstance that is Syria. Yet, Obama just had to draw his red line in the sand (I guess to make himself appear presidential) and declare that the “use of chemical weapons would be a game changer.” He would have been wiser to say nothing, because there is no preferable alternative in the fighting there. Assad is a bad apple, an ally of the Russians and the Iranians, but the Syrian rebels or SFA, is made up of some of the most derelict and violent terrorists in the whole of the Muslim world. They may call themselves “freedom fighters,” but they aren’t really fighting for freedom–they are fighting for Islam. They want to make Syria a wholly Islamic state and begin the Caliphate.
This is the crux of Obama’s miserable Middle East policy failures. Both Libya and Egypt were lead by less than admirable men; Qaddafi and Mubarak respectively. Yet these two despots were both against radical Islam. They had managed to fend off the influences of the Taliban and al Queda until Obama came along and decided to wave his magic wand of “democracy” in order to uplift and inspire an advance in the “social evolution” of both countries–except that this effort has failed–or has it? The power vacuum created has allowed the very evil we have been fighting to move in and set up shop with little or no resistance.
That evil, especially in the case of Egypt, is the Muslim Brotherhood with whom Obama has become quite cozy. So cozy that they visit the White House on a regular basis and have even been consulted in directing what is included in FBI and CIA training manuals and instructional techniques! Of course, they have purged anything and everything that could be construed as offensive to Islam from said instructional materials. Essentially, we are now protected by the Federal Bureau of Islam and the Central Islamic Agency.
Now, does this sound American to any of you?!
This is like asking the Germans or the Japanese to assist us in our defensive strategies in World War II. SunTzu is rolling in his grave! This is just one item on a list of many that frosts my posterior.
The recent hearings about Benghazi conducted by the House have shed some valuable light on what was really going on within the State Department and the Obama administration’s motives. The American people deserve to know the truth. This is not Obama’s “kingdom”–it’s our country! This is a cover-up and even some in the MSM are beginning to call it that. It is not “Watergate” as the liberal zealots are chanting. It is bigger than Watergate–four brave Americans are dead.
During the Hearings in the House this past week we were treated to a litany of arrogance and none more insulting than that of Rep. Elijah Cummings:
Rep Cummings to Benghazi Whisteblowers- ‘Death Is a Part of Life’
“Death is a part of life.”
Really? Thank you for the informative lecture Mr. Cummings. Let’s apply that logic to the lynching of a black man by the KKK, the massacres at Newtown, Conn. and Aurora, Col. Let’s use your analysis in the circumstances surrounding the death of Trayvon Martin; does your shameless, insulting attempt at deflecting the focus of this inquiry on Hilliary Clinton still apply? The families of these victims want more than some sickening placation from you. They want and deserve truthful answers.
While we’re at it, there is another group of people who have been spit upon by this administration’s zeal for promptitude–the families of Seal Team VI. Which one of Obama’s puppets in the military, while there is prohibition of any mention of a Judeo-Christian God, invited a Muslim cleric to the funeral for the fallen Navy SEAL Team VI heroes and allowed him to insult them in an Islamic prayer? This Imam disparaged, in Arabic, the memory of these servicemen by damning them as infidels to Allah while simultaneously exalting the Muslim soldiers who had accompanied SEAL Team VI that fateful night. I cannot fathom the depth of insult these brave soldier’s families must feel at the hand of the Obama administration’s insulting and insensitive policy.
Imam Curses Seal Team Six Heroes
A video of the Muslim cleric’s “prayer” with a certified translation.
Muslim Cleric at Funeral for Fallen Navy SEALs Invoked Islamic Prayer Damning Infidels To Hell
Islam is not a religion of peace. Obama does not hove our best interest at heart–hell, I don’t think the man has a heart. We are having Islam shoved down our throats just like Obamacare. There is nothing that the Obama administration cares about except its own agenda, fundamental transformation. Yet we are the problem. We are supposed to accept Obama’s every idea or we are racist Islmaophobes.
House Foreign Affairs Chair: More Benghazi Hearings Coming
So what is really going on? Obama has allowed the Muslim Brotherhood to use America. He has betrayed the American people. Terrorism is not the fault of American policies; it is a result of Islamic policies. Obama has been an enabler for the Muslim Brotherhood and they expect him to involve us in Syria. Is it starting to make sense now? Obama abandoned all our allies in the Middle East and allowed the Muslim Brotherhood to take over. So what is the next domino to fall?
Syria …
The Muslim Brotherhood expects us to get involved in the Syrian conflict and they will reap the reward as their dream of a Caliphate begins to take shape. If you don’t think I am close then you should read the following:
Daniel Greenfield: Obama’s Big Brotherhood Bet
Is this why the warlords of the industrial military complex are beating their drums? You betcha’! Who is it that is sounding off the most about the Syrian conflict and who is it that is in the pocket of the industrial military complex? Why it is none other than John McCain and Lindsey Graham. Is this why the spineless Johnny Boehner won’t bring himself to confront Obama head on or make sure that Hilliary is sworn in before her testimony? This goes far deeper than Obama’s selfish megalomania and his closet Muslim mentality. This has global implications that even make a cynic like myself begin to believe in the New World Order conspiracy and America isn’t paying attention.
Truth and reality are keeping the score … and Obama’s agenda is sinister …
What If?
What if the RNC had a pair of onions and, during the 2012 election campaign, had gone ahead and attacked Obama for his lack of leadership, his apparent endearment of the Muslim Brotherhood and his dishonesty?
RNC Benghazi Attack Campaign Ad
Republican Elites Refused to Run Hard-Hitting Benghazi Ad Before Election
HICKS: Until Benghazi I Loved Everyday of My Job
(Benghazi Witness) HICKS: Until Benghazi I Loved Everyday of My Job
Palestinian Official: ‘If we had a Nuke, We’d Have Used it This Very Morning’
PA official: “If we had a nuke, we’d have used it this very morning”
Crowder and Klavan: The Benghazi Scandal
BENGHAZI SCANDAL! (Featuring Andrew Klavan)
‘The American People are Tired of Backroom Secret Deals to Raise the Debt Ceiling Even Higher’
“The American People Are Tired Of Backroom Secret Deals To Raise The Debt Ceiling Even Higher”
h/t CD File
Mark Sanford’s Election Victory
Mark Sanford’s Election Victory
h/t Aaron