Category Archives: Obamanomics

The Flaw of the Land

Ben Carson Warns: ‘Socialized Medicine Is Keystone to Establishment of a Socialist State’

Opinion by AAABTonto:

Washington, D.C. is 22 square miles surrounded by reality. I don’t think there is any other group in the world that is more detached from the truth than those who occupy our nation’s capitol. Now, I am not the brightest bulb on the tree nor the sharpest knife in the drawer, but the fundamental problem with Obama is his “fundamental transformation” of the greatest human experiment in the history of man—America.

His centerpiece for said transformation is the Affordable Healthcare Act (ACA); affectionately known as ObamaCare. Socialized medicine has been the goal of Progressives for nearly a century and even Ronald Reagan was steadfastly opposed to its implementation. This damnable piece of cheese was jammed through the legislative process via numerous and nefarious methods. While it was being promoted, the President promised us it was not a “tax,” not a single Republican voted for it, a majority of the people were against its implementation and once it was passed  and it made its way to the scrutiny of the Supreme Court, Justice Roberts “saved” its demise by declaring that it was a “tax”! Thank you, Justice Roberts …. What happened there? I wonder if he wasn’t blackmailed somehow, but I digress.

Lies of Obamacare

Everything that the President promised us regarding ObmaCare has turned out to be untrue—yes, LIES! And yes, I am calling the President a liar; because he lied. It is NOT because he happens to be black. I don’t care if he is mauve with orange pinstripes; he lied, he is lying and will probably continue to lie. ObamaCare is an unmitigated disaster!

Obamacare: Impact on Taxpayers

1 The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act of 2010 will raise taxes on middle-income families in direct violation of President Obama’s pledge not to do so.
2 Many families that make far less than $250,000 a year have high-end health plans and will be subject to the excise tax.
3 The increased hospital insurance payroll tax rate will fund a new entitlement separate from Medicare for the first time.
4 Applying the HI tax to investment income will discourage investment and lead to slower economic growth, fewer jobs, and lower wages.
5 The individual mandate amounts to a de facto tax on individuals who do not want to purchase insurance.
6 The biggest tax hikes will take effect after President Obama’s first term and many Members of Congress are out of office.
7 The health legislation includes a myriad of smaller tax hikes, many of which will fall on middle- and lower-income Americans.

Ronald Reagan Speaks Out Against Socialized Medicine

This disaster is not any kind of of improvement on healthcare. In fact, it is a hindrance to obtaining healthcare. I wholly admit that there are problems with our healthcare system, especially from the insurance side of things. However, socializing medicine and erecting a bloated, vindictive bureaucracy to lord over and dispense healthcare is hardly an efficient method by which to streamline the industry. Issues with free market economics tend to repair themselves if given the opportunity, but socialist are opportunists and socializing medicine is the socialists on ramp to ultimate power.

A cartoon obamacare-this-is-going-to-hurt

Seniors Will Lose Big Under Obamacare

Obamacare’s Impact on Seniors

Take an aspirin and die. “There are no death panels,” yea right … This is redistribution at its most evil. Anyone with half a brain can understand that healthcare costs increase for all of us as we begin to age. Under this new system bureaucrats will determine who will get certain treatments based on a person’s age—the older you are the less efficient it is provide expensive procedures and thus our quality of life in old age is going to be diminished. Expenses will have to be curbed and distributed to those “most deserving.”

Obamacare: Impact on Seniors

A Thomas sowell quote graphic

How Much Is Your Health Insurance Going Up Thanks to Obamacare?

Liberty is lost. This all about the limitation of choice, which is ironic because the people who are in favor of ObamaCare are almost all “pro choice” when it comes to abortion. However, when it comes to choosing anything else you need to ask their permission first. So is the government’s healthcare website just an exchange or is it something more? Is it a personal information vacuum designed to collect data on citizens?

Top IRS ObamaCare Official Advised White House On Groups Challenging Contraception Mandate

The Left claims that healthcare is a right. Really? If it is a right, then why do they need to penalize us for not “exercising” our right? Do rights need to be enforced by the IRS? Their entire contention that healthcare is a right cannot stand up to logical scrutiny; it is an intellectual fraud. The whole thing is unconstitutional and they know it.

Alright, conservatives expect the persecution and derogatory drivel from Democrats, but we’re also receiving it from the ungrateful GOP. After several dozen symbolic bills to “repeal” the dreadful ObamaCare were passed by the House—only to be placed in Harry Reid’s morgue drawer for Republican legislation—boneless Johnny Boehner was finally persuaded to pull the plug on the funding of ObamaCare and asked the President to delay its implementation for one year—money for government spending is controlled by the House.

Obama, the ONE who waited for himself, threw an toddler’s temper tantrum and forced the shutdown of the government—well, 17% of it. Then promptly blamed the Tea Party for holding his beloved bill hostage and then began calling them “anarchists, legislative arsonists, terrorists with bombs strapped to their chests, kidnappers, extortionists …” and numerous other hateful, childish names. How erudite and sophisticated. Man, what a leader!

RINOs Strike Tea Party Over Shutdown

“It’s time for someone to act like a grown-up in this process,” former New Hampshire Gov. John Sununu stated, laying blame at the feet of Texas Sen. Ted Cruz and Tea Party Republicans as much as President Barack Obama for their uncompromising stance. Sununu, Rove and the whole host of beltway RINO elitists fault the Tea Party for their own failed strategies. They believe the media when they tell them that the GOP’s problem is their nasty base—the Tea Party. They think that trying to de-fund ObamaCare is going to make them look bad, that anything we might do to oppose Obama will cause the Republican Party shame. The media NEVER says anything favorable about Republicans unless they have forfeited some core conservative belief. When will Republicans come to realize this fact?

LeviConfronts Sen. Ron Johnson on Obamacare

More Conservative, Less Republican

The truth is that these RINOs don’t want to upset their beltway buffet of privilege. They don’t want to effect any political change or reduce the size of our bloated government. They just want to be in control of it themselves. They claim that they need to control the White House and both houses of congress in order to effect change, but the last time they had all three legs of the stool, they just spent more taxpayer dollars and increased the girth of the government’s bloated bureaucracies. They don’t care to defend their own constituents or their own country from the clutches of socialism? Apparently …

An ObamaCare_Needle_Poster

New ObamaCare premiums come as shock to some consumers (Video)

Then there is the epic failure of the government’s Obamacare website. The President calls it a “glitch,” but they’ve had three years to set this up and spent $634 million of taxpayer’s money on it and the damn thing does not work! It is a turd!

A turdtwister logo

This Exchange Doesn’t Work

The Threat We Face

Obama flagObama, the Progressive Left and the ruling class Republicans are flawed. They are ruling this country against the will of the people. They are trying to rig the game so that the people can never win. ObamaCare is not the “law of the land”—it is the flaw of the land!

The ONE … Who Waited for Himself

Sinister Obama 1Opinion by AAABTonto:

I don’t think our country has ever had a more arrogant, self-serving ideologue as President than Barack Hussein Obama. Never, in America’s entire history, has one man routinely disregarded the law and circumvented the Constitution for his own stated purpose of “fundamentally transforming” these United States. President Obama has made it profoundly  that clear he “will not negotiate” with Republicans concerning the government shutdown. The last time I looked our nation’s capital wasn’t exclusively ruled by the executive office.  President Obama is hell-bent on imposing his socialist healthcare program regardless of its unpopularity.

Late Friday evening I caught a bit of the PBS talking heads show: I think it is called ‘Washington Week’ and … the mentality of liberal commentators was (as usual) just amazing … at least one of them claimed that the President “won re-election on the Affordable Healthcare Act” and therefore it is an overwhelmingly popular program. Really?

I don’t remember it that way. As I recall, NO Republicans voted for this debacle. The Democrats “passed it” on Christmas Eve, had to change Senate rules to get enough votes and played hankie-pankie with its language because it did not originate in the House as required by law. The law is apparently irrelevant to Democrats.

Weekly Address: End This Government Shutdown

During his weekly address on Sat. 10/5/13, Obama read several tear-jerking stories from citizens nationwide who were feeling the effects of the shutdown and  he encouraged Republicans to pass a budget—with funding for his dreadful ObamaCare, of course.

“The American people don’t get to demand ransom in exchange for doing their job. Neither does Congress,” the President implied. “They don’t get to hold our democracy or our economy hostage over a settled law.”

Republicans are not holding democracy hostage.

Obama continued to complain, repeating that he would not negotiate and declared he would not “pay a ransom” to meet the demands of House Republicans.

“That’s why I won’t pay a ransom in exchange for reopening the government. And I certainly won’t pay a ransom in exchange for raising the debt ceiling,” Obama said. “For as reckless as a government shutdown is, an economic shutdown that comes with default would be dramatically worse.”

It is Obama’s shutdown and thus his own recklessness. The Republicans have not instructed the police to barricade monuments and scenic overlooks. They didn’t even vote to de-fund his precious ObamaCare; all they did was ask for a one year delay in its implementation. That is hardly a an unreasonable request given the problems we are discovering as it it is unfurled and the fact that Obama gave businesses a one year delay.

While President Obama continued to throw his baby-assed temper tantrum, Republicans in the Senate fired back in their own weekly address, delivered by Sen. John Cornyn (R-Texas) on Saturday morning:

10/5/13 Sen. John Cornyn (R-TX) Delivers Weekly GOP Address On Democrat Government Shut Down

Obama complains that the Republicans cannot ‘pick and choose’ which laws they like, yet it is he himself who instructed his Justice department NOT to enforce DOMA. In addition to that, Obama has issued a plethora of exemptions for his disastrous healthcare program—something that is entirely outside of his authority. He did it anyway.

Prior to the law’s passing, Obama was traveling around the country selling his snake oil ObamaCare, he repeatedly proclaimed that it WAS NOT A TAX! …. But, when it finally made it before the Supreme Court, Justice Roberts concluded that the law was constitutional because IT WAS A TAX. Either way we were lied to, sold a bill of goods we didn’t order and told they are nonreturnable—“it is the law of the land.” Slavery and Prohibition were once the “law of the land” and they were both repealed. The difference is that neither of those examples were subsidized per say; once those ObamaCare checks start going out, it will be hell to stop them.

Fox: Obamacare Causing Skyrocketing Premiums for Families, Young Men

Obama claims that the suspension of government services is a “Republican shutdown,” but Republicans cannot and have not ordered the closure of the various memorials in Washington and across the country—Obama did that. Why? Because Obama is a spiteful, hateful, petty, egomaniac and he can’t stand the fact that someone would have the audacity to disagree with his superior intelligence. Similar to Pat Condell’s description of liberal Leftist students: Obama is proud of his socialist agenda like a toddler is proud of a turd. As a result of the People’s disobedience, Obama has sought to punish the masses.

Here’s a list of the “Obama Shutdown” public punishments:

From Breitbart:
1. Treatments for Children Suffering From Cancer – The GOP have agreed to a compromise by funding part of the government, including the National Institutes of Health, which offers children with cancer last-chance experimental treatment. Obama has threatened to veto this funding.
2. The World War II Memorial – The WWII memorial on the DC Mall is a 24/7 open-air memorial that is not regularly staffed. Although the White House must have known that WWII veterans in their eighties and nineties had already booked flights to visit this memorial, the White House still found the resources to spitefully barricade the attraction.
The Republican National Committee has offered to cover any costs required to keep the memorial open. The White House refused. Moreover, like the NIH, the GOP will pass a compromise bill that would fund America’s national parks. Obama has threatened to veto that bill.
3. Furloughed Military Chaplains Not Allowed to Work for Free – Furloughed military chaplains willing to celebrate Mass and baptisms for free have been told they will be punished for doing so.
4. Business Stops In Florida Keys – Although the GOP have agreed to compromise in the ongoing budget stalemate and fund the parks, Obama has threatened to veto that funding. As a result, small businesses, hunters, and commercial fisherman can’t practice their trade. While the feds have deemed the personnel necessary to keep this area open “non-essential,” the “enforcement officers” to ensure no business is done are “essential.”
5. Obama Blacks Out Sports, Entertainment Programming to Overseas Troops – The American Forces Network (AFN) that provides American sports and entertainment programming to our troops stationed abroad, has been shut down. For some reason, though, AFN News will still broadcast news, just not any of the popular and fun stuff.
Camp David is essential, but popular programming for heroes overseas is non-essential.
6. Obama Closes D-Day Memorial – The GOP have offered to compromise and fund the National Parks. Obama has said he will veto this compromise legislation. As a result, along with 24 other military cemeteries, the D-Day memorial in Normandy has been barricaded.
7. Obama Tries to Close Privately-Funded Mt. Vernon – Although George Washington’s Mt. Vernon estate is privately funded, the feds blocked visitors from entering the parking area because the Park Service maintains the lot. Apparently, the New Media publicity resulted in the feds backing down.
8. Obama Closes Over 100 Privately-Managed Parks That Cost No Money to Run – The U.S. Treasury actually makes money from the rent paid by a private company that “employs about 400-500 camp workers and managers across about a dozen states.” No federal money is used to operate these parks. No federal employees are used to staff these parks. Taxpayers make a profit from these parks. Still, Obama had them closed and as a result 400-500 employees and a private business are taking it in the neck.
9. Obama Closes Self-Sustaining Colonial Farm It Hasn’t Supported Since 1980 – “For the first time in 40 years, the National Park Service (NPS) has finally succeeded in closing the Farm down to the public. In previous budget dramas, the Farm has always been exempted since the NPS provides no staff or resources to operate the Farm.”
10. Obama Tries to Close State-Run Parks in Wisconsin – “The park service ordered state officials to close the northern unit of the Kettle Moraine, Devil’s Lake, and Interstate state parks and the state-owned portion of the Horicon Marsh, but state authorities rebuffed the request because the lion’s share of the funding came from state, not federal coffers.”
11. Obama Closes Vietnam Memorial – The GOP have passed compromise legislation that would fund national memorials and parks, and open them to the public. Obama threatened a veto. Apparently, the “essential” government employees are those erecting barricades, not those who could keep the memorial open.
12. Obama Closes Privately-Owned Hotel, Police Block Parking Lot – “The operator of a 51-room inn located on U.S. government-owned land in North Carolina abandoned his defiant stance on Thursday to keep the property open despite being ordered to close as part of the federal government shutdown.”
October is this inn’s prime season. The GOP have offered compromise funding opening the parks. Obama said he will veto that compromise.
State troopers blocked customers from entering the inn’s parking lot.
13. Park Service Ranger: ‘We’ve Been Told to Make Life As Difficult For People As We Can’ – “It’s a cheap way to deal with the situation,” an angry Park Service ranger in Washington says of the harassment. “We’ve been told to make life as difficult for people as we can. It’s disgusting.”

Obama has made the pompous claim that he has “bent over backwards to work with Republicans,” and that is a bald faced lie. He has refused to to compromise on any of his proposals throughout his presidency and it has always been his way or the highway.

Obama Claims He’s Bent Over Backwards To Work With GOP America’s Newsroom

You are a liar, Mr. President. You have done NOTHING to cooperate, compromise or set aside your differences in order to find some common ground with Republicans, because for you, there is no common ground. You are a Marxist, Mr. President, a socialist, a statist and you admitted that when you made your “fundamental transformation” proclamation.

WW II Veterans Breach Barriers at World War II Memorial in Washington DC – October 2, 2013

This is conservatism’s goal line stance, they make this score and America will be “fundamentally transformed” and we may NEVER get our liberty back …. I hope and pray that the Republicans stay the course and force him to come to the table. Now, Obama may decide to raise our debt limit via executive order and he will, again, be acting outside the confines of the Constitution as he has not this authority. If he does, he needs to held accountable for it.

Mr. President, You Can End the Government Shutdown

A evil Obama

Harry Reid – Professional Jackass

Harry Reid Goes Off on GOP for Causing Shutdown: ‘Embarrassing’ Tea Party ‘Anarchists’ Run the Show

Opinion by AAABTonto:

I am sick and damn tired of the pompous ass, Harry Reid. Shutting down the pathetically inefficient government is NOT an “blow to America”—it is about damn time!

Harry says, “All they (Republicans) have to do is accept what we already passed … they are fixated on embarrassing our President …”

No, Harry, all we have to do is give you the finger, which we should have began doing four years ago when you began ignoring the law by NEVER passing a budget and allowing the President to spend us into oblivion! We don’t HAVE to do ANYTHING YOU think we have to do, because we are AMERICANS! We are not “anarchists”—we want YOU to follow the rule of law! We tell dishonest, snake oil salesmen like you to let the door hit you in the ass!

No one wanted ObamaCare when you originally got it passed … on a Friday … at midnight … after bribing and arm-twisting half the congress—not a SINGLE Republican voted FOR it. Yet, you shoved it down our throats anyway and now it’s killing everything it touches. The President ran all over the country promising that it wasn’t a tax and THEN the ONLY way it survived the scrutiny of the Supreme Court was when Justice Roberts contorted himself into a pretzel and decided that it was constitutional because it was a tax!

There is seat in hell reserved solely for you, Harry!

An ObamaCare_Needle_Poster

The GOP: Breaking Bad … Wind

A GOP Behind-Cruz-590-LI

Opinion by AAABTonto:

The GOP is a sad example of American apathy. Today’s ruling class Republicans are afraid to fight for principle. They are willing to allow the wholesale decay of liberty’s essence in order that they might remain politically ensconced. This is a poor strategy. We have already seen, in the last election, that the conservative base of the Republican Party is not going to be enthusiastic about a moderate candidate. RomneyCare, ObamaCare, why vote for a pseudo moderate Republican when you can vote for a genuine Marxist Democrat? Only, Karl Rove knows the answer to that question …

No one wanted Obamacare. No Republicans voted for it. When it finally reached the Supreme Court, Justice Roberts ruled that it was constitutional on the basis that ObamaCare was a “tax”—a definition that Obama denied throughout his two year campaign to get passed through the congress. Never mind, Obama was going to impose it regardless of the people’s will.

Now, as it is being employed, we are discovering that our fears surrounding Obamacare were justifiable and then some. The President is handing out waivers and exemptions like candy to include the congress itself! And yet we couldn’t get the boneless Johnny Boehner to do anything about it even though he controls its funding. He finally relented after weeks of pressure …

House GOP Leaders Speak To Press After Republican Conference MtgBoneless Johnny Boehner

So the de-funding is attached to the continuing resolution and sent to the Senate. Finally engaged in battle against ObamaCare, led by Sen. Ted Cruz, we watch in horror as he comes under relentless, derogatory criticism by his own party!

Why do the establishment ruling class Republicans hate Ted Cruz?

From the article above:

Over the weekend Ted Cruz sat down with Chris Wallace to discuss the issue of defunding Obamacare, after this interview Chris Wallace made the claim to Karl Rove that establishment ruling class Republicans were asking him to “hammer” the Senator from Texas during the interview.

“As soon as we listed Ted Cruz as our featured guest this week, I got unsolicited research and questions, not from Democrats but from top Republicans, to hammer Cruz,” Wallace said, addressing Karl Rove, a member of the show’s panel.

Sarah Palin then took Chris Wallace to task and called upon him to release the names of those Republicans who were attacking Ted Cruz instead of using unanimous sources.

At this point it is unclear to me what Sarah Palin’s motive was: was she in disbelief of Chris Wallace’s statement and looking for proof, or does she believe the claim and is simply looking for the names of those Republicans who are going after Ted Cruz?

As for me, I happen to believe Chris Wallace for I see no benefit to him for making this up. So why are the establishment ruling class Republicans so opposed to Ted Cruz? I think Karl Rove’s response to Chris Wallace sums it all up:

‘This was a strategy laid out by [Utah Republican Sen.] Mike Lee and Ted Cruz without any consultation with their colleagues’

The establishment ruling class Republicans are upset with Ted Cruz because they have not been able to control him, he represents a threat to their power and they are more interested in protecting their station in life than they are with doing the work of the American people. …

Indeed, they are—the GOP has done everything they can to distance themselves from the Tea Party despite the fact that it was the Tea Party that did the heavy lifting and secured the House for Republicans in 2010. John McCain is probably the most outspoken member of the GOP whose resentful disdain for the Tea Party is obvious.

John McCain Says ObamaCare “Will Not Stand”

Promises, promises, but fast-forward to the present and McCain flip-flops just when things start to matter; he sides with Democrats, blames the Tea Party, savages Ted Cruz and has to have Harry Reid come to his assistance.

The genius—not, Karl Rove, chief Republican strategist and beltway good-ol’-boy, has imposed ‘powerful’ presidential candidates like McCain and Romney, who went down in smoldering defeat. Yet, we’re still supposed to accept Rove’s declaration that any political strategy must be framed in moderation—the Tea Party shouldn’t be rocking the boat.

 A ruling-class-mccain

This is the real problem with the GOP and Rep. Peter King provides an excellent example of RINO elitism.

“He’s not standing on principle,” Mr. King told CNN. “I don’t know what he’s standing on. But he’s standing for a strategy that can’t work. It’s going to personally help him as far as his political status, but it’s going to be bad for the country, bad for the Republican Party. I’ve never seen anyone as unpopular in Republican circles as Ted Cruz.”

No, Mr. King, YOU are bad for the country. YOU are bad for the Republican Party. YOU and your spineless, beltway, RINO buds have hung the American people out to dry and you are only concerned with how to preserve your luxuries as a member of the ruling class by keeping the status quo.

Rep. Peter King: Sen. Ted Cruz tapped into ‘dark strain in the American political psyche’

Peter King: “Ted Cruz is a fraud”

Fox’s Wallace on ObamaCare Fight: GOP ‘Made it Too Easy for Democrats’

Then there is the ugly … ‘ObamaCare is the law of the land’ … a mantra parroted by the Left and the propagandist media repeatedly.

The amenable Sen. Barbara Mikulski (D-Md.), who explained on  Friday that the reason behind Texas Senator Ted Cruz’s request for the vote on cloture to be moved from Thursday to the following afternoon, was because he wanted his “tea bagger” buddies to watch.

“The reason Ted Cruz stood up and asked for a delay is so that he could have a vote during today when the ‘tea baggers’ in his Tea Party were going to watch,” said Mikulski, the Chairwoman of the Senate Appropriations Committee, in an interview with MSNBC’s Andrea know-it-all Mitchell.

“That’s why I’ve repeatedly said: the greatest deliberative body in the world has become the greatest delay body in the world,” she continued—a ranking member of the greatest deliberative body in the world can now address a legitimate, thinking number of voting citizens with an obscenity?

“Tea bagger” defined: Note: obscene definition here.

Top Dem. Actually Refers to Ted Cruz Supporters as “Teabaggers”

Is Mikulski related to Barney Frank? They look and ‘thound ‘justh alike … but I digress …

Speaking of ugly, Mrs. Nancy moon-bat Pelosi had to weigh in … from an article at the Washington Post:

“It is impossible for Democrats to negotiate with Republicans because they can’t even negotiate with themselves,” the California Democrat said. “Instead of legislating responsibly, they want to live dangerously.”

“This is silly,” Mrs. Pellosi said. “Maybe they did not get some orientation on how serious the work is that we do here. Clearly they are a manifestation of what President Washington cautioned against when he left office, which is political parties at war with their own government, and that is what we have: the tail wagging the dog of the Republican party.”

“It is two different subjects,” Mrs. Pelosi told reporters, alluding to the two legislative fights. “Yes, they are all about budget, but one is the full faith and credit of the United States of America and the other is a priorities debate on spending and saving and growth.”

U.S. Treasury Secretary Jack Lew warned Congress this week that the nation would exhaust its borrowing limit no later than Oct. 17 – setting the stage for another legislative battle on the debt limit.

Mrs. Pelosi said that 186 House Democrats have signed a letter in support of raising the debt ceiling without conditions.
Republicans, meanwhile, are seeking additional spending cuts.

“They’re holding the entire economy hostage, and their tea party ransom demands come at a significant cost to our economic security,” Mrs. Pelosi said.

The President said he would NOT negotiate with Republicans, Nancy dear—but he will negotiate with Iran. The American people are not being held hostage by the Tea Party, they are being held hostage by ObamaCare. And, we aren’t “teabaggers,” you Botox bloated nitwit. There are no testicles resting on Tea Party chins and I am damn tired of being badmouthed by erudite felons who are politically fleecing the American people to death and slandering them with their own tax dollars!

The name calling begins as soon as the people begin to close in on the truth. We don’t have any economic security! Obama has spent us far beyond anything G.W. Bush ever imagined and yet they still blame him for everything that is Obama’s responsibility. Nothing these cretins say is valid and the GOP won’t even call them on it!

Mark Levin explained it all quite well …

Mark Levin on CNN w/ Jake Tapper Bashes ‘Serial Liar’ Obama’s ‘Scare Tactics’ Over Gov’t Shutdown

ObamaCare is a genuine disaster. It is a job killing, liberty stealing, bureaucracy-bloating, socialist, power grab and the American people do not want it! The GOP’s failure to lead in defeating its implementation is akin to Obama’s ‘leading from behind’ … it only underscores the dysfunctional state of American politics. The GOP has become a fowl breath of hot flatulence … it’s not nice to break wind with your face.

A senator McButtlipsA Republicrat

ObamaCare: America Held Hostage

Schumer: ‘Many of the Public is Against Obamacare’
Opinion by AAABTonto:

UpChuck Schumer contends that Republicans are holding the American people hostage with their threats to de-fund ObamaCare, except that it is ObamaCare itself that has taken the country hostage. This legislative train wreck did not receive a single Republican vote when it was “passed” by the Democrat dominated congress during Obama’s first term in office. ObamaCare is not even fully deployed and it is destroying jobs by the thousands, inflating the cost of healthcare insurance and the cost of medical procedures. This disaster royal was the invention of the Progressive Left (Socialist Democrats) and yet it is, according to Democrats, ALL the fault of Republicans!

De-Funding Disaster

However, conservatives can’t seem to convince the ruling class Republican leadership, boneless Johnny Boehner, to bring the de-funding of ObamaCare to a vote on the floor of the House! This is causing a level of frustration that, in addition to all of Obama’s other “phony scandals,” is wearing thin on almost every American that is paying attention.

Why This Doctor Fears Obamacare

Sen. Lee: Obamacare Provisions ‘Morally Unacceptable’

CNN Poll: Support for Obamacare Drops Below 40%

If ObamaCare is such a damn good thing, then WHY is Obama handing out exemptions to it like candy?

OTJ: Sen. Lee on Obamacare

Boehner is in charge of the purse strings—just pull the plug on this economic calamity NOW!

A real vote Ocare

From the Heritage Foundation’s Morning Bell:

One of the disillusioning facts about Washington is that Congress can vote on something and that vote won’t mean a thing.

It would seem that a congressional vote should be a meaningful occasion, with Members weighing the costs and benefits of voting for the particular measure at hand. Unfortunately, political gamesmanship often leads them to create voting opportunities that have no real impact, but will allow them to tell constituents, “I voted for this” or “I voted against that.”

The House of Representatives was heading in that direction—considering a proposal that purported to defund Obamacare but wouldn’t actually achieve that goal. This is what voters have come to expect from Capitol Hill and why Congress has such low standing with the American people.

Heritage President Jim DeMint called for an end to these “pretend votes” and “gimmicks.”

We don’t need empty show votes to pull the wool over the American people’s eyes; we need our elected representatives to fight for the American people.

Thankfully, there are other alternatives to defund Obamacare and fund the government, including a proposal introduced yesterday by Representative Tom Graves (R-GA) and 42 of his colleagues. This approach will force lawmakers to have a real debate and make the tough choices when they vote—so that their votes will mean something.

Time is of the essence to defund Obamacare. We’re just 17 days out from Obamacare’s insurance exchanges opening and the overhaul of our health care system taking root.

If you needed proof that Obamacare isn’t working, look no further than President Obama himself. As The Washington Times reported this week:

President Obama has already signed 14 laws that amend, rescind or otherwise change parts of his health care law, and he’s taken five independent steps to delay the Affordable Care Act on his own.

Public support for Obamacare has dropped below 40 percent. It’s unfair, unworkable, and unaffordable. You could lose your current health coverage, see your hours cut at work, and end up with bureaucrats coming between you and your doctor.

Congress should take its responsibility seriously and defund Obamacare now.

Slandering the Tea Party

Harry Reid has a hissy fit on the Senate floor

Opinion by AAABTonto:

Once again Harry Reid has taken to the Senate floor to blather incessantly about that horrible contagion of America—-the Tea Party:

“We’re diverted totally from what this bill is about. Why? Because the anarchists have taken over,” Reid said on the Senate floor. “They’ve taken over the House and now they’ve taken over the Senate. People who don’t believe in government — and that’s what the Tea Party is all about — are winning, and that’s a shame. It’s defund ObamaCare, and I guess as the fiscal year comes to and end that’s what it’s all about.”

Poor old Harry Reid couldn’t find a bear in phone booth. The Tea Party Movement has never called for anarchy. The Tea Party stands for limited government, the Founder’s original vision of our republic, a restoration of our constitutional principles and respect for the law.

Anarchism disdains the existence of government in any form. Now, we all know this and I suspect Harry knows it as well, but he can’t find anything else of substance to deride those who believe in the core principles of the Tea Party as stated above. He is out of ammunition … and probably out of his mind.


This latest deranged episode from Reid resulted from Republican Senator David Vitter’s promise to block votes on the ‘energy bill’ until he can be assured a vote on his amendment calling for congressional and executive staff to enroll in Obamacare. Senator Mitch McConnell also introduced an amendment to the energy bill delaying the implementation of Obamacare.

“Let’s delay ObamaCare mandates for families right now,” McConnell said. “Then let’s work together to repeal the bill.”

Reid has oft pissed and moaned when Tea Party leaders have taken advantage of the Senate’s complicated procedural process to their own advantage. Reid can dish it out, but seems unable to take it when it goes against his agenda. Leading Democrats, along with Reid, have accused Republicans—specifically conservatives, with being obstructionist. Why shouldn’t they obstruct what goes against their core principles?

Harry believes that government can do no wrong and that any argument against his genius socialist agenda is unpatriotic. There is just one problem, Harry; you and the Obama administration have no authority to fundamentally transform America. You swore an oath to uphold the law, to defend Constitution, but you have done everything you can to erode and defile it!

No one wanted this damnable legislation when you forced it down our throats to begin with and now you expect us to believe that the people we elected to defend us from it, and you, are some how responsible for all its perverted side effects? If the Tea Party would just shut up and let you do your bidding everything would be okay? ObamaCare is a job-killing, economic suicide pact and we are NOT required go along with your insanity just because you want us to.

Then, of course, there is the rabid, spray-foam, pabulum-puking, angry gerbil, Chris ‘Tingles’ Matthews, whom we simply cannot forget to include as a co-slanderer:

Outrageous: Chris Matthews Snarls: Ted Cruz Is a ‘Terrorist’

The final straw is that the IRS, who blatantly persecuted Tea Party 501C3 applicants after the 2010 elections, is going to be in charge of administering and enforcing ObamaCare. It seems ironic that something called “care” has to be imposed against one’s will, but I wouldn’t want liberty to take a back seat to the genius of Harry Reid and the Progressive agenda.

Rush-“The Anarchist”-2012 HQ

A cartoon obamacare-this-is-going-to-hurt

It already does ….

De-Funding Disaster

Opinion by AAABTonto:

ObamaCare is a complete and utter disaster. This bill was supposed to nurture the economy, provide health care options and opportunities for the uninsured, decrease the costs of medical insurance and medical practice; it has achieved none of those goals. It is doing the exact opposite—it is slaughtering jobs.

IU Health Bloomington Hospital Plans to cut Jobs

St. Vincent Health Eliminating 865 Jobs in Indiana

ObamaCare was forced on the American people by the Democrat ruled Congress—passed without a single Republican vote. Obama repeatedly touted its constitutionality claiming it was not a tax and then it went to the Supreme Court where ONE justice, John Roberts, ruled that ObamaCare WAS constitutional BECAUSE it WAS A TAX !

The Obamacare Job Graveyard

Now, in the same way that ONE justice has decided for an entire nation against their will, we have ONE Speaker, the great and boneless John Boehner, who is going to perpetuate ObamaCare’s destructive forces because he doesn’t want to take the fictitious blame for “shutting down the government.” Boehner has the power to de-fund it without de-funding our precious governmental bureaucratic leviathan, but he has sold out to some more influential force and is willing to betray the will of the people just as Justice Roberts did.

Boneless  nurse Boehner

This is where it becomes difficult to write without splattering my computer screen with spittle and profanities. Obama’s unpopularity and obvious incompetence should be fueling the Republican opposition, but the ruling class elites seem determined to subvert the will of the people and enforce policies which we have witnessed fail in Europe—Obama’s “great role model.”

Then there is the enforcement of ObamaCare by the generous and loving IRS, who would NEVER misuse their authority to persecute anyone for their political leanings. I feel so safe at the mercy of our ruling class elitists; don’t you?

An Obama disasterThe ONE …who waited for Himself …

2 Million Bikers Rally To Washington

FULL COVERAGE: 2 Million Bikers Rally To Washington , DC 9-11 TRIBUTE 2013
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Aerial Footage!! Two Million Bikers Rally Cruise Into DC 9/11!!
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9/11 Bikers Denied Permit for D.C. Ride – Belinda Bee – Fox & Friends – 9-11-13

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This is NOT the Planet I was Born On

Help me … I am a clueless liberal …
An Ostrich Progressive

Opinion by AAABTonto:

In this world gone mad I often wonder what will happen next. What will the next blast of gob frothing, lunatic, pabulum-puke, liberal outburst claim to be sexist, intolerant and racist? I am never disappointed by the lack of variety of industrial strength, maximum density and narcissistic insanity that liberals espouse in the main stream media, on a daily basis.

“It’s very clear that private-sector jobs have been doing just fine. It’s the public-sector jobs where we’ve lost huge numbers, and that’s what this legislation is all about.”
– Harry Reid

Al Sharpton White people are racistOkay, Al didn’t say that, but he may as well have …

‘Bye-Bye Black Sheep’: Racist GOP Birthers Call For ‘Muslim’ Obama’s Impeachment

“What we’re trying to do here is save the world from the Republican budget. We’re trying to save life on this planet as we know it today.”
– Nancy Pelosi

Jay Carney Says Immigration Reform Will ‘Increase Wages, Media laughs at the mere suggestion.

“We’re the country that built the Intercontinental Railroad.”
– President Barack Obama

Scenes From The Circus of Politics

And … THEY are insane, yet demanding that you view the world through THEIR twisted prism because your perspective of life isn’t valid. You are defective, because you believe those fairy tales in the Bible are real—never mind the plethora of archeological evidence that is being discovered verifying the historical accuracy of much of the Bible. YOU want to take away their right to choose to murder their own child. YOU want to suppress the minority vote because YOU want to make them show their photo ID! YOU want to pollute the planet and are the cause of global warming. And, YOU—you selfish bastard, you don’t think you should have pay for other peoples poor decisions even though the government consumes over half of wages you earn. You earned it, you greedy SOB now give it to someone else … or else!

“Well the good news is our emissions are way down because of the recession.”
– Claire McCaskill

Stuff Liberals Say

Stop me when I am lying—you can’t, because it is the truth. The outrageous thing is that these vessels of enlightenment proclaim that conservative Christians are the scourge of the planet, the cause of all evil, proclaim we’re intolerant, and incoherent. These fools shouldn’t be allowed to own anything sharp and they’re telling us we can’t own guns! They have successfully dumbed-down almost half the nation into believing the feckless, placating drivel they spew forth right through their pearly white teeth.

“And of course I want to express my gratitude to my family; to my mother and father who instilled in me the values that carried me this far.”
– Anthony Weiner – his resignation

MLK March

“The future must not belong to those who slander the prophet of Islam.”
– President Barack Obama

Obama the great 9