Ted Cruz Accuses Bob Schieffer of Repeating Democratic Talking Points – January 26, 2014
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Cruz: Obama Should Apologize to Nation in State of the Union
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Ted Cruz Accuses Bob Schieffer of Repeating Democratic Talking Points – January 26, 2014
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Cruz: Obama Should Apologize to Nation in State of the Union
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Speaker John Boehner, Part 1 – The Tonight Show with Jay Leno
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Speaker John Boehner, Part 2 – The Tonight Show with Jay Leno
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Opinion by AAABTonto:
We need a new Republican Party. We need to depose the ruling elites atop the GOP and rebuild the Party from the grassroots up. John Boehner spends more time justifying his differences with the Tea Party faction of the Republican Party than he does criticizing his political opponents; who, are misusing and abusing the law, ignoring the Constitution and circumventing protocol with impunity.
In this video John Boehner says that Jeb Bush would make a great presidential candidate for 2016 and I want to throw up. Mark Levin said it all succinctly on his radio show this past Friday—Boehner is a moderate elitist. Mark deserves a quantum ‘thank you’ for all he has done in the conservative effort to preserve Liberty.
Charles Schumer Sums Up The Tea Party Perfectly
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Mark also discusses Senator Chuck Schumer and his attack on the Tea party. ‘Chuckie’ explains that it’s not the Tea Party, but the “Tea Party elites” that are mucking it for the whole of the country. The Tea Party is only guilty of trying to preserve Liberty. There is a reason we don’t do things like they do in Europe and it is the same reason the Founding Fathers created America!
The Glazov Gang-Part 1 of 2/ Daniel Greenfield on Gates’ Confirmation of “Party of Defeat”
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The Glazov Gang-Part 2 of 2/ Daniel Greenfield on Gates’ Confirmation of “Party of Defeat”
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From YouTube description:
Published on Jan 10, 2014
The Glazov Gang-Part 1 of 2/ Daniel Greenfield on Gates’ Confirmation of “Party of Defeat”
Hosted by: Ann-Marie Murrell
Daniel Greenfield (Shillman Fellow, Freedom Center)
Opinion by AAABTonto:
Daniel Greenfield is someone I can identify with. His devotion to to the truth—as otherwise ignored by the MSM, is most admirable. He has the ‘tell it like it is’ ability and perseverance that I wish all journalists had. In the above video, he is correct in his assessment that, if we all share our knowledge with others and circumvent the MSM, then we can overcome them. The truth is seen by those of us looking at it, regardless of what media propagandists tell us to believe.
That’s why I blog. I am not the sharpest knife in the drawer, or the most articulate communicator, but when I see something terrible happening to my country, I can’t be quiet about it. I just can’t. The more I learn about my world, the more I want to know and the expansion of Islam and introduction of Sharia is a definite threat to Western cultures. It is threatening because it imposes the Islamic belief system on free peoples who, are then subject to whatever whimsical demands Muslims might make on them. It is ridiculously absurd. Absolutely anything that we might do as westerners could be construed as ‘offensive’ to Muslims, because we haven’t done it to honor Alla!
Daniel Greenfield’s work at FrontPage Mag is outstanding; giving readers a realistic perspective into the politics of Islam. Here is a link to one Greenfield’s more recent articles that I trust you all will share with your friends.
PJTV: Liberal Fascism: Nutty Professor Demands That We Abandon Constitutional Freedoms
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The great capitulator …
President Obama On Iran – Give Peace A Chance
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“My preference is for peace and diplomacy, and this is one of the reasons why I’ve sent a message to Congress that now is not the time for us to impose new sanctions; now is the time for us to allow the diplomats and technical experts to do their work. We will be able to monitor and verify whether or not the interim agreement is being followed through on, and if it is not, we’ll be in a strong position to respond. But what we want to do is give diplomacy a chance and give peace a chance.”
John Lennon – Give Peace A Chance
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New Iran agreement includes secret side deal, Tehran official says
“Of all tyrannies a tyranny exercised for the good of its victims may be the most oppressive. It may be better to live under robber barons than under omnipotent moral busybodies. The robber baron’s cruelty may sometimes sleep, his cupidity may at some point be satiated; but those who torment us for our own good will torment us without end for they do so with the approval of their own conscience. They may be more likely to go to Heaven yet at the same time likelier to make a Hell of earth. This very kindness stings with intolerable insult. To be ‘cured’ against one’s will and cured of states which we may not regard as disease is to be put on a level of those who have not yet reached the age of reason or those who never will; to be classed with infants, imbeciles, and domestic animals. But to be punished, however severely, because we have deserved it, because we ‘ought to have known better,’ is to be treated as a human person made in God’s image.”
– C.S. Lewis
The Enemies Within – An evening with Trevor Loudon
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Obama’s Amerika
Published on Nov 22, 2013
Despite his many lies and broken promises, President Obama is unfortunately keeping one promise he made on the eve of the 2008 election: to radically transform America. But the American Freedom Law Center is fighting back!
65 Outrageous Lies by President Obama
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Brian Eno & David Byrne – Mea Culpa
No fear … no respect …
Opinion by AAABTonto:
What is hard to understand about the weakness that pacifism broadcasts? How is it that defending one’s self is seen as “uncivil” by the progressive mindset? Is not the best offense oft described as a good defense? Well, sure it is, unless … you’re a candy-ass!
Yea, I said it … Our President is a wussy. The Obama administration’s foreign policy is perplexing to say the least. Its seemingly directionless aim has alienated allies and emboldened our enemies without any demonstrable goals. The Arab Spring has done nothing to coagulate freedom and or democracy in the Middle East, in fact, it has left a power vacuum in Libya and Egypt. Encouraged Islamists are on the march and Christian persecution is at a near genocidal scale throughout eastern Africa, the Middle East and Indonesia.
The Egyptians have, at least, realized their mistaken embrace of the Muslim Brotherhood, whom the Obama administration helped ensconce and appear to want a Mulligan in the apparent hope for a more secular government that will be more tourist friendly—Egypt’s primary economic engine.
Barack Obama: US ‘won’t retreat from the world’
The US won’t retreat? We already have and are in the very process of retreat! We’re leaving Afghanistan and we should have stayed in Iraq to control that airspace instead of capitulating it to Iran—big mistake that will bite us near the short hairs!
Speaking of Iran, they have a “new” president, Hasan Rouhani. The Obama administration is hopeful that they can work with Iran’s new leader—in name only. However, Rouhani may not be the agreeable statesman that was hoped for. Take into account the selections for his cabinet who, according to the estimable American media, are “reform minded or moderate technocrats”. Mahmoud Alavi, Mr. Rouhani’s choice for minister of intelligence said, “Sacrificing life is easy for a nation in which a culture of martyrdom has been institutionalized,” at a ceremony last fall. “The Iranian nation . . . will never back down against the arrogance.” On Iranian state TV in October Alavi said: “The Americans can’t even take on the pupils of our revolution, namely Hezbollah and Hamas. How dare they even consider a plot against our nation when twice they’ve been defeated by our pupils?”
Mostafa Pourmohammadi, Iran’s new minister of justice said, “With our actions and our resistance, we have cornered the arrogance. We have severely frightened and confused the arrogance.”
The “arrogance” in both instances is the United States. On May 8, 2013, while Mr. Rouhani was campaigning for the presidency he gave a speech in the city of Karaj and said, “Saying ‘Death to America’ is easy. We need to express ‘Death to America’ with action. Saying it is easy.”
I don’t think that the Obama administration is going to get the cooperation they hoped for with Iranian president Rouhani.
What signal does closing our embassies send? What if the “specific threat” that the security gurus claimed was forthcoming was a ruse? The terrorists must be laughing themselves silly.
Obama on threats: ‘We don’t get terrorized’
If we weren’t being terrorized then we wouldn’t find the need to close our embassies. If we weren’t being terrorized we wouldn’t have had the casualties that resulted from the bombing at the Boston Marathon or the “workplace violence” at Fort Hood! This is beyond ridiculous, beyond cowardice … this is negligence in the first degree!
But al Qaeda is “decimated”? Someone forgot to tell them that they were impotent and to stay home …
Obama/Biden Montage: We “Decimated Al Qaeda”
Is there a considerable alternative reason that the President chose to close up shop? A note of irony: we can close down our embassies abroad, but we can’t shut down the government—we have to keep spending exorbitant amounts of money? We really do not know the true motivations of Barack Obama … but his track record of appeasement and the wake of destruction behind him do little to build our confidence
WOW! – IS THIS THE REASON? Night of Power and Barack Obama
IF … the President is a Muslim he must not be a very good one … because they don’t respect him. They don’t fear him. They are devoted to Alla and jihad and nothing Obama says or does is going to altar their vision or their intent. What I think is inconsequential, but what Islamists think is not; Obama is kuffar … he is the Great Satan.
Opinion by AAABTonto:
It is August 4th and being Obama’s birthday, it is interesting that Al Qaeda has threats out there that have closed our embassies around the world. If they wanted to do something to celebrate Obama’s birthday, maybe they should take a multimillion dollar trip to Africa on the American taxpayer’s dime or go out and play 18 holes.
“The Al Qaeda threat that prompted the State Department to issue a worldwide travel alert and close down 21 embassies and consulates for the weekend is serious and ‘very specific,'” Rep. Peter King, chairman of the Subcommittee on Counterterrorism and Intelligence, said on Friday.
“We’re not certain exactly where something might happen, but it’s very specific as to when and it’s also very specific as to the fact that it is going to happen, so we have to be on alert everywhere.”
This travel alert was the first of its kind since the the tenth anniversary of the 9/11 terrorist attacks. The announcement came as Washington prepared to close its embassies and consulates throughout the Muslim world this Sunday (today-Obama’s birthday) over security concerns.
Never mind the fact that we really don’t know whether or not the President was even born in the United States ….
Happy Birthday Song by Satan
Happy Birthday You’re Not Special