Category Archives: Misogyny

Threat Watch: Muslims4Ferguson vs. Law Enforcement

Threat Watch: Muslims4Ferguson vs. Law Enforcement
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Pat Condell: Laughing at the new Inquisition

Laughing at the new Inquisition
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Unbelievers & Women in Islam

Islam and Unbelievers
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Women in Islam
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Muslim Leaders Declare Aim of World Domination

Muslim Leaders Declare Aim Of World Domination. Rome, London, Spain, Paris, America, ISIS
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Michael Coren & Robert Spencer – Jihad Watch – Oct 2, 2014
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Robert Spencer in FrontPage Mag: The Oklahoma Beheader’s Radical Environment

Robert Spencer in PJ Media: 7 Reasons Why the Oklahoma Beheading Has Everything to Do with Islam

islamophobia-800x476Islamic State: “We cut off your friend’s head. Now we’re coming for your head”

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Robert Spencer Interview with Ex-member of Oklahoma Beheader’s Mosque

Robert Spencer Interview with Ex-member of Oklahoma Beheader’s Mosque
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Obama’s Escape from Planet Reality

Obama’s Escape from Planet Reality
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