Category Archives: History

The GOP: Breaking Bad … Wind

A GOP Behind-Cruz-590-LI

Opinion by AAABTonto:

The GOP is a sad example of American apathy. Today’s ruling class Republicans are afraid to fight for principle. They are willing to allow the wholesale decay of liberty’s essence in order that they might remain politically ensconced. This is a poor strategy. We have already seen, in the last election, that the conservative base of the Republican Party is not going to be enthusiastic about a moderate candidate. RomneyCare, ObamaCare, why vote for a pseudo moderate Republican when you can vote for a genuine Marxist Democrat? Only, Karl Rove knows the answer to that question …

No one wanted Obamacare. No Republicans voted for it. When it finally reached the Supreme Court, Justice Roberts ruled that it was constitutional on the basis that ObamaCare was a “tax”—a definition that Obama denied throughout his two year campaign to get passed through the congress. Never mind, Obama was going to impose it regardless of the people’s will.

Now, as it is being employed, we are discovering that our fears surrounding Obamacare were justifiable and then some. The President is handing out waivers and exemptions like candy to include the congress itself! And yet we couldn’t get the boneless Johnny Boehner to do anything about it even though he controls its funding. He finally relented after weeks of pressure …

House GOP Leaders Speak To Press After Republican Conference MtgBoneless Johnny Boehner

So the de-funding is attached to the continuing resolution and sent to the Senate. Finally engaged in battle against ObamaCare, led by Sen. Ted Cruz, we watch in horror as he comes under relentless, derogatory criticism by his own party!

Why do the establishment ruling class Republicans hate Ted Cruz?

From the article above:

Over the weekend Ted Cruz sat down with Chris Wallace to discuss the issue of defunding Obamacare, after this interview Chris Wallace made the claim to Karl Rove that establishment ruling class Republicans were asking him to “hammer” the Senator from Texas during the interview.

“As soon as we listed Ted Cruz as our featured guest this week, I got unsolicited research and questions, not from Democrats but from top Republicans, to hammer Cruz,” Wallace said, addressing Karl Rove, a member of the show’s panel.

Sarah Palin then took Chris Wallace to task and called upon him to release the names of those Republicans who were attacking Ted Cruz instead of using unanimous sources.

At this point it is unclear to me what Sarah Palin’s motive was: was she in disbelief of Chris Wallace’s statement and looking for proof, or does she believe the claim and is simply looking for the names of those Republicans who are going after Ted Cruz?

As for me, I happen to believe Chris Wallace for I see no benefit to him for making this up. So why are the establishment ruling class Republicans so opposed to Ted Cruz? I think Karl Rove’s response to Chris Wallace sums it all up:

‘This was a strategy laid out by [Utah Republican Sen.] Mike Lee and Ted Cruz without any consultation with their colleagues’

The establishment ruling class Republicans are upset with Ted Cruz because they have not been able to control him, he represents a threat to their power and they are more interested in protecting their station in life than they are with doing the work of the American people. …

Indeed, they are—the GOP has done everything they can to distance themselves from the Tea Party despite the fact that it was the Tea Party that did the heavy lifting and secured the House for Republicans in 2010. John McCain is probably the most outspoken member of the GOP whose resentful disdain for the Tea Party is obvious.

John McCain Says ObamaCare “Will Not Stand”

Promises, promises, but fast-forward to the present and McCain flip-flops just when things start to matter; he sides with Democrats, blames the Tea Party, savages Ted Cruz and has to have Harry Reid come to his assistance.

The genius—not, Karl Rove, chief Republican strategist and beltway good-ol’-boy, has imposed ‘powerful’ presidential candidates like McCain and Romney, who went down in smoldering defeat. Yet, we’re still supposed to accept Rove’s declaration that any political strategy must be framed in moderation—the Tea Party shouldn’t be rocking the boat.

 A ruling-class-mccain

This is the real problem with the GOP and Rep. Peter King provides an excellent example of RINO elitism.

“He’s not standing on principle,” Mr. King told CNN. “I don’t know what he’s standing on. But he’s standing for a strategy that can’t work. It’s going to personally help him as far as his political status, but it’s going to be bad for the country, bad for the Republican Party. I’ve never seen anyone as unpopular in Republican circles as Ted Cruz.”

No, Mr. King, YOU are bad for the country. YOU are bad for the Republican Party. YOU and your spineless, beltway, RINO buds have hung the American people out to dry and you are only concerned with how to preserve your luxuries as a member of the ruling class by keeping the status quo.

Rep. Peter King: Sen. Ted Cruz tapped into ‘dark strain in the American political psyche’

Peter King: “Ted Cruz is a fraud”

Fox’s Wallace on ObamaCare Fight: GOP ‘Made it Too Easy for Democrats’

Then there is the ugly … ‘ObamaCare is the law of the land’ … a mantra parroted by the Left and the propagandist media repeatedly.

The amenable Sen. Barbara Mikulski (D-Md.), who explained on  Friday that the reason behind Texas Senator Ted Cruz’s request for the vote on cloture to be moved from Thursday to the following afternoon, was because he wanted his “tea bagger” buddies to watch.

“The reason Ted Cruz stood up and asked for a delay is so that he could have a vote during today when the ‘tea baggers’ in his Tea Party were going to watch,” said Mikulski, the Chairwoman of the Senate Appropriations Committee, in an interview with MSNBC’s Andrea know-it-all Mitchell.

“That’s why I’ve repeatedly said: the greatest deliberative body in the world has become the greatest delay body in the world,” she continued—a ranking member of the greatest deliberative body in the world can now address a legitimate, thinking number of voting citizens with an obscenity?

“Tea bagger” defined: Note: obscene definition here.

Top Dem. Actually Refers to Ted Cruz Supporters as “Teabaggers”

Is Mikulski related to Barney Frank? They look and ‘thound ‘justh alike … but I digress …

Speaking of ugly, Mrs. Nancy moon-bat Pelosi had to weigh in … from an article at the Washington Post:

“It is impossible for Democrats to negotiate with Republicans because they can’t even negotiate with themselves,” the California Democrat said. “Instead of legislating responsibly, they want to live dangerously.”

“This is silly,” Mrs. Pellosi said. “Maybe they did not get some orientation on how serious the work is that we do here. Clearly they are a manifestation of what President Washington cautioned against when he left office, which is political parties at war with their own government, and that is what we have: the tail wagging the dog of the Republican party.”

“It is two different subjects,” Mrs. Pelosi told reporters, alluding to the two legislative fights. “Yes, they are all about budget, but one is the full faith and credit of the United States of America and the other is a priorities debate on spending and saving and growth.”

U.S. Treasury Secretary Jack Lew warned Congress this week that the nation would exhaust its borrowing limit no later than Oct. 17 – setting the stage for another legislative battle on the debt limit.

Mrs. Pelosi said that 186 House Democrats have signed a letter in support of raising the debt ceiling without conditions.
Republicans, meanwhile, are seeking additional spending cuts.

“They’re holding the entire economy hostage, and their tea party ransom demands come at a significant cost to our economic security,” Mrs. Pelosi said.

The President said he would NOT negotiate with Republicans, Nancy dear—but he will negotiate with Iran. The American people are not being held hostage by the Tea Party, they are being held hostage by ObamaCare. And, we aren’t “teabaggers,” you Botox bloated nitwit. There are no testicles resting on Tea Party chins and I am damn tired of being badmouthed by erudite felons who are politically fleecing the American people to death and slandering them with their own tax dollars!

The name calling begins as soon as the people begin to close in on the truth. We don’t have any economic security! Obama has spent us far beyond anything G.W. Bush ever imagined and yet they still blame him for everything that is Obama’s responsibility. Nothing these cretins say is valid and the GOP won’t even call them on it!

Mark Levin explained it all quite well …

Mark Levin on CNN w/ Jake Tapper Bashes ‘Serial Liar’ Obama’s ‘Scare Tactics’ Over Gov’t Shutdown

ObamaCare is a genuine disaster. It is a job killing, liberty stealing, bureaucracy-bloating, socialist, power grab and the American people do not want it! The GOP’s failure to lead in defeating its implementation is akin to Obama’s ‘leading from behind’ … it only underscores the dysfunctional state of American politics. The GOP has become a fowl breath of hot flatulence … it’s not nice to break wind with your face.

A senator McButtlipsA Republicrat

Amazing Video in the Air

Amazing Video in the Air

Pilots make it look so easy, but they have to expect the unexpected and respond calmly …

Static Discharge
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Italian Air Force Aerial Refueling Exercise Accident
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St Elmos Fire during Aerial Refueling of E-4 by KC-135
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I salute our United States Air Force and pilots around the world.

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This is Not America

Parent Arrested from Common Core Meeting for speaking out of turn

Opinion by AAABTonto:

I have to tell you, there are many things I see that anger me, but not very many that make me come out of my chair swinging. This video is evidence of the Progressive Left’s superiority complex. This man did NOTHING to warrant his removal from the meeting much less his being arrested.

The meeting was centered around a new curriculum that is being implemented in public schools throughout the country called “common core”.  Critics of this this new curriculum contend that it lowers scholastic expectations and is less challenging. This trend is evidenced in by the dilution of academic material in public education over the past 3 decades. More is taught about former president Bill Clinton than is taught about World War Two.

Robert Small, age 46, was one of the only parents who possessed the courage to speak up, despite the many other parents cheering him on.

“Look, I am being manhandled and shut down because I asked inconvenient questions,” Small declared. “Why won’t they allow an open forum where there can be a debate? We are told to sit there and be lectured to about how great common core is.”

As he was being removed, Small said, “Don’t stand for this. You are sitting here like cattle.” Then he said, “Is this America?”

The Baltimore Sun reported that he was taken to the Towson precinct and detained. Small was charged with second-degree assault of a police officer—a fine of $2,500 and up to 10 years in prison, and disturbing a school operation—a fine of $2,500 and up to six months. So, asking a poignant question is unruly? Being a concerned parent is criminal?

I sincerely hope that Mr. Robert Small has retained legal council and planning to file suit against the school board in question, the arresting officer and the municipality of jurisdiction.  He is entitled to his 1st Amendment right to speak and I think the other parents present should have done more to protest the situation. More here:

Maryland parent was physically removed from meeting and charged with second-degree assault on a police officer after questioning “common core” curriculum.

The arrogance of the Progressive Left has no limits and they don’t seem to have any problem with just shutting you up as opposed to debating you in a civilized, honest forthright manner. No, take the none-believer away, he isn’t thinking “correctly” and should not be allowed to contaminate the rest of the people they are attempting to indoctrinate.

Parent Arrested from Common Core Meeting for Speaking Out of Turn

Parent Arrested from Common Core Meeting for Speaking Out of Turn – See more at:

Parents questions unanswered at Common Core meeting

common core cartoon

2 Million Bikers Rally To Washington

FULL COVERAGE: 2 Million Bikers Rally To Washington , DC 9-11 TRIBUTE 2013
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Aerial Footage!! Two Million Bikers Rally Cruise Into DC 9/11!!
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9/11 Bikers Denied Permit for D.C. Ride – Belinda Bee – Fox & Friends – 9-11-13

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