Mark Levin Unloads On Obama: ‘I’m Ashamed Of This President, I Think He’s A Disgrace’
Opinion by AAABTonto:
Mark Levin is right on the money.
I can find nothing laudable about President Obama‘s impromptu remarks last Friday afternoon about Trayvon Martin and George Zimmerman or anything new in his recent ObbamaCare campaign speech. Obama doesn’t care about the people … he hates his country. All he cares about is implementation of his Marxian agenda.
Obama is tearing the fabric of the nation with negative comments about the United States. His statements are divisive and destructive. His commandant of the DOJ has declared war on Texas because he and his progressive goon squad don’t like voter ID laws. How is it that a providing an photo ID at an election poll is specifically racially discriminating against blacks if everyone has to provide one? Answer: It isn’t, unless you want to provide the opportunity for people to cheat by voting more than once or at multiple polling locations!
Why does Obama call the surrounding sea of scandal “phony”? Why does Obama lower himself into the gutter with Al Sharpton? Mark Levin chastised the President:
“I’m ashamed of this President. I think he’s a disgrace. I’m ashamed of this Attorney General. I think he’s a disgrace. They have no respect for you. i don’t care what your color is. They have no respect for this country. None.”
Many deride Mark Levin as shrill and reactionary, but Levin is anything but reactionary. Indeed, he is calculated, spirited and passionate. Mark Levin reveals the title of his new book, “The Liberty Amendments”—this is a must listen:
We can take our country back. It won’t be easy, but it is possible and I think the glaring failures of ObamaCare, his pathetic Green Energy Programs and the growing mire of scandals are going to accelerate the process. As these programs unfold and their destructive impositions are unleashed, there is bound to be a backlash. Indeed, it has already begun with the unions expressing their disenchantment at not being allowed to continue their current health care programs under the auspices of the ACA. Obama has trampled the Constitution and circumvented the legislative process zealously.
It is well past time to do something about it!
Raise Hell!!!
Sam Kinison- Gonna Raise Hell