Opinion by AAABTonto:
Currently our country’s citizenry is focused on a spectacle of rage, stupidity and judicial malpractice—the George Zimmerman trial. Regardless of your opinion of George Zimmerman or Trayvon Martin, the only person left in the world that knows what really happened is George Zimmerman. Liars are usually seen to be liars because they, at some point, altar their story—Zimmerman has not.
What has happened is that the media, the White House and the DOJ have all gotten involved in this case and done their best to turn this incident into a political, racial cogwheel.
Newly Released Documents Detail the Department of Justice’s Role in Organizing Trayvon Martin Protests
They, and their cohorts in media, have turned this tragic incident into a clown car circus act. A police chief has been fired because he found no reason to file charges. The media has gone out of its way to illustrate this as a racial incident by twisting hearsay, NBC’s altering the tape recorded 911 call Zimmerman made, and the splitting of legal hairs.
The senseless armchair quarterbacking of this is insane and it has players from all corners of the political spectrum. Michael Savage has “savaged” Zimmerman, claiming that he had “wanted to be a policeman” that he “was looking for, praying for someone to shoot.” How could Michael Savage possibly know what was in Zimmerman’s mind that terrible night? He cannot; Savage is projecting. Savage says the issue is that Zimmerman was armed and Martin was not–that is NOT the issue.
Michael Savage in his own words:
Michael Savage Blasts George Zimmerman – Aired July 1, 2013
I have a key question for Michael Savage and the rest of the Zimmerman lynchers out there who have already convicted this man without the consideration of facts. If Zimmerman wanted to shoot someone then why did he only fire one shot? I might have emptied the clip if it were me and my head was being bashed into the concrete. I think the fact that Zimmerman had the discipline to fire a single shot demonstrates that he did not intend to kill his assailant, only stop the attack.
MSNBC’s Hayes: FNC and Conservatives Treating Black Americans Like Zimmerman Treated Trayvon Martin
MSNBC host Chris Hayes interviewed University of Connecticut Professor Jelani Cobb, the MSNBC host complained that conservatives are treating black Americans the way Zimmerman treated Trayvon Martin. Hayes said:
“So here’s what frustrates, angers me genuinely about this, is, what conservatives are doing to black people at large is precisely what George Zimmerman did to Trayvon Martin.”
Really? Give me an example of said treatment. “Genuinely” my posterior! How is it that conservatives are mistreating blacks? This is a preposterous claim and … I think it it demonstrates black racism of whites. It perpetuates a societal ill that we have nearly outgrown, but the race baiters can’t let go of their number one shake-down technique.
Then there is the circus act in the courtroom itself. Mark Levin explains:
Mark Levin BLASTS ‘Obnoxious And Pathetic’ Judge Debra Nelson: ‘You’re Way Out Of Line!’
George Zimmerman should have never been tried. This was a clear instance of self defense. One does not have to endure a beating in order to use his firearm—one only needs to demonstrate that he was in fear of his life. Having your head caved in would fit that descriptor. Trayvon had several chances to end his assault and he chose not to. That decision cost him his life and … it has cost George Zimmerman his life; because he will be a target for as long as he lives. This will never go away from him regardless of the outcome of this trial.
Ex-Sanford Police Chief Was Pressured To Arrest Zimmerman — Fired For Refusing To Arrest Without Probable Cause
This trial is a story of bad decisions. Bad decisions by the two men involved, bad decisions by the White House and the DOJ for stoking the flames of racial tension, bad decisions by Sanford city leaders and it will probably spawn bad decisions by low-information lynch-mobs, who will riot in demand of their pound of flesh regardless of the rule of law or factual evidence. I find it ironic that these same people who are willing to riot while shouting “no justice, no peace” also believe that the Constitution was written by “old white bigots” who couldn’t possibly have foreseen our modern circumstance. This is a step backwards, a devolution and return to mid-evil mob rule.
It is a “fundamental transformation” for sure ….