Rush Limbaugh: GOP establishment hates Ted Cruz just like they hated Ronald Reagan
Iran’s President Boasts About Deceiving the West
Tape Reveals Deceit of Iran’s New President
Iran’s President brags about deceiving the West over nuclear program
Pat Condell: The Curse of ‘Progressive’ Feminism
The curse of “progressive” feminism
This is Not America
Parent Arrested from Common Core Meeting for speaking out of turn
Opinion by AAABTonto:
I have to tell you, there are many things I see that anger me, but not very many that make me come out of my chair swinging. This video is evidence of the Progressive Left’s superiority complex. This man did NOTHING to warrant his removal from the meeting much less his being arrested.
The meeting was centered around a new curriculum that is being implemented in public schools throughout the country called “common core”. Critics of this this new curriculum contend that it lowers scholastic expectations and is less challenging. This trend is evidenced in by the dilution of academic material in public education over the past 3 decades. More is taught about former president Bill Clinton than is taught about World War Two.
Robert Small, age 46, was one of the only parents who possessed the courage to speak up, despite the many other parents cheering him on.
“Look, I am being manhandled and shut down because I asked inconvenient questions,” Small declared. “Why won’t they allow an open forum where there can be a debate? We are told to sit there and be lectured to about how great common core is.”
As he was being removed, Small said, “Don’t stand for this. You are sitting here like cattle.” Then he said, “Is this America?”
The Baltimore Sun reported that he was taken to the Towson precinct and detained. Small was charged with second-degree assault of a police officer—a fine of $2,500 and up to 10 years in prison, and disturbing a school operation—a fine of $2,500 and up to six months. So, asking a poignant question is unruly? Being a concerned parent is criminal?
I sincerely hope that Mr. Robert Small has retained legal council and planning to file suit against the school board in question, the arresting officer and the municipality of jurisdiction. He is entitled to his 1st Amendment right to speak and I think the other parents present should have done more to protest the situation. More here:
The arrogance of the Progressive Left has no limits and they don’t seem to have any problem with just shutting you up as opposed to debating you in a civilized, honest forthright manner. No, take the none-believer away, he isn’t thinking “correctly” and should not be allowed to contaminate the rest of the people they are attempting to indoctrinate.
Parent Arrested from Common Core Meeting for Speaking Out of Turn
Parents questions unanswered at Common Core meeting
Pat Condell: A Word to Left-wing Students
A word to left-wing students
Opinion by AAABTonto:
This is rich. There are few people willing to tell it like it is and Pat Condell is one of them. The Progressive Left is a form of devolution. It is not morally superior, it is in fact, inferior because the Left refuse to face the questions that would undermine their flawed beliefs. Their attempts to prevent those opposed to them from speaking belies their infallibility.
ObamaCare: America Held Hostage
UpChuck Schumer contends that Republicans are holding the American people hostage with their threats to de-fund ObamaCare, except that it is ObamaCare itself that has taken the country hostage. This legislative train wreck did not receive a single Republican vote when it was “passed” by the Democrat dominated congress during Obama’s first term in office. ObamaCare is not even fully deployed and it is destroying jobs by the thousands, inflating the cost of healthcare insurance and the cost of medical procedures. This disaster royal was the invention of the Progressive Left (Socialist Democrats) and yet it is, according to Democrats, ALL the fault of Republicans!
However, conservatives can’t seem to convince the ruling class Republican leadership, boneless Johnny Boehner, to bring the de-funding of ObamaCare to a vote on the floor of the House! This is causing a level of frustration that, in addition to all of Obama’s other “phony scandals,” is wearing thin on almost every American that is paying attention.
Why This Doctor Fears Obamacare
Sen. Lee: Obamacare Provisions ‘Morally Unacceptable’
CNN Poll: Support for Obamacare Drops Below 40%
If ObamaCare is such a damn good thing, then WHY is Obama handing out exemptions to it like candy?
OTJ: Sen. Lee on Obamacare
Boehner is in charge of the purse strings—just pull the plug on this economic calamity NOW!
From the Heritage Foundation’s Morning Bell:
One of the disillusioning facts about Washington is that Congress can vote on something and that vote won’t mean a thing.
It would seem that a congressional vote should be a meaningful occasion, with Members weighing the costs and benefits of voting for the particular measure at hand. Unfortunately, political gamesmanship often leads them to create voting opportunities that have no real impact, but will allow them to tell constituents, “I voted for this” or “I voted against that.”
The House of Representatives was heading in that direction—considering a proposal that purported to defund Obamacare but wouldn’t actually achieve that goal. This is what voters have come to expect from Capitol Hill and why Congress has such low standing with the American people.
Heritage President Jim DeMint called for an end to these “pretend votes” and “gimmicks.”
We don’t need empty show votes to pull the wool over the American people’s eyes; we need our elected representatives to fight for the American people.
Thankfully, there are other alternatives to defund Obamacare and fund the government, including a proposal introduced yesterday by Representative Tom Graves (R-GA) and 42 of his colleagues. This approach will force lawmakers to have a real debate and make the tough choices when they vote—so that their votes will mean something.
Time is of the essence to defund Obamacare. We’re just 17 days out from Obamacare’s insurance exchanges opening and the overhaul of our health care system taking root.
If you needed proof that Obamacare isn’t working, look no further than President Obama himself. As The Washington Times reported this week:
President Obama has already signed 14 laws that amend, rescind or otherwise change parts of his health care law, and he’s taken five independent steps to delay the Affordable Care Act on his own.
Public support for Obamacare has dropped below 40 percent. It’s unfair, unworkable, and unaffordable. You could lose your current health coverage, see your hours cut at work, and end up with bureaucrats coming between you and your doctor.
Congress should take its responsibility seriously and defund Obamacare now.
Karl Marx for POTUS 2016
Communist Karl Marx Endorsed by Obama as the Next President? [Trolling Obama Supporters]
Opinion by AAABTonto:
Do I really need to say anything here? This speaks for itself …
Slandering the Tea Party
Harry Reid has a hissy fit on the Senate floor
Opinion by AAABTonto:
Once again Harry Reid has taken to the Senate floor to blather incessantly about that horrible contagion of America—-the Tea Party:
“We’re diverted totally from what this bill is about. Why? Because the anarchists have taken over,” Reid said on the Senate floor. “They’ve taken over the House and now they’ve taken over the Senate. People who don’t believe in government — and that’s what the Tea Party is all about — are winning, and that’s a shame. It’s defund ObamaCare, and I guess as the fiscal year comes to and end that’s what it’s all about.”
Poor old Harry Reid couldn’t find a bear in phone booth. The Tea Party Movement has never called for anarchy. The Tea Party stands for limited government, the Founder’s original vision of our republic, a restoration of our constitutional principles and respect for the law.
Anarchism disdains the existence of government in any form. Now, we all know this and I suspect Harry knows it as well, but he can’t find anything else of substance to deride those who believe in the core principles of the Tea Party as stated above. He is out of ammunition … and probably out of his mind.
This latest deranged episode from Reid resulted from Republican Senator David Vitter’s promise to block votes on the ‘energy bill’ until he can be assured a vote on his amendment calling for congressional and executive staff to enroll in Obamacare. Senator Mitch McConnell also introduced an amendment to the energy bill delaying the implementation of Obamacare.
“Let’s delay ObamaCare mandates for families right now,” McConnell said. “Then let’s work together to repeal the bill.”
Reid has oft pissed and moaned when Tea Party leaders have taken advantage of the Senate’s complicated procedural process to their own advantage. Reid can dish it out, but seems unable to take it when it goes against his agenda. Leading Democrats, along with Reid, have accused Republicans—specifically conservatives, with being obstructionist. Why shouldn’t they obstruct what goes against their core principles?
Harry believes that government can do no wrong and that any argument against his genius socialist agenda is unpatriotic. There is just one problem, Harry; you and the Obama administration have no authority to fundamentally transform America. You swore an oath to uphold the law, to defend Constitution, but you have done everything you can to erode and defile it!
No one wanted this damnable legislation when you forced it down our throats to begin with and now you expect us to believe that the people we elected to defend us from it, and you, are some how responsible for all its perverted side effects? If the Tea Party would just shut up and let you do your bidding everything would be okay? ObamaCare is a job-killing, economic suicide pact and we are NOT required go along with your insanity just because you want us to.
Then, of course, there is the rabid, spray-foam, pabulum-puking, angry gerbil, Chris ‘Tingles’ Matthews, whom we simply cannot forget to include as a co-slanderer:
Outrageous: Chris Matthews Snarls: Ted Cruz Is a ‘Terrorist’
The final straw is that the IRS, who blatantly persecuted Tea Party 501C3 applicants after the 2010 elections, is going to be in charge of administering and enforcing ObamaCare. It seems ironic that something called “care” has to be imposed against one’s will, but I wouldn’t want liberty to take a back seat to the genius of Harry Reid and the Progressive agenda.
Rush-“The Anarchist”-2012 HQ
It already does ….
De-Funding Disaster
Opinion by AAABTonto:
ObamaCare is a complete and utter disaster. This bill was supposed to nurture the economy, provide health care options and opportunities for the uninsured, decrease the costs of medical insurance and medical practice; it has achieved none of those goals. It is doing the exact opposite—it is slaughtering jobs.
IU Health Bloomington Hospital Plans to cut Jobs
St. Vincent Health Eliminating 865 Jobs in Indiana
ObamaCare was forced on the American people by the Democrat ruled Congress—passed without a single Republican vote. Obama repeatedly touted its constitutionality claiming it was not a tax and then it went to the Supreme Court where ONE justice, John Roberts, ruled that ObamaCare WAS constitutional BECAUSE it WAS A TAX !
Now, in the same way that ONE justice has decided for an entire nation against their will, we have ONE Speaker, the great and boneless John Boehner, who is going to perpetuate ObamaCare’s destructive forces because he doesn’t want to take the fictitious blame for “shutting down the government.” Boehner has the power to de-fund it without de-funding our precious governmental bureaucratic leviathan, but he has sold out to some more influential force and is willing to betray the will of the people just as Justice Roberts did.
This is where it becomes difficult to write without splattering my computer screen with spittle and profanities. Obama’s unpopularity and obvious incompetence should be fueling the Republican opposition, but the ruling class elites seem determined to subvert the will of the people and enforce policies which we have witnessed fail in Europe—Obama’s “great role model.”
Then there is the enforcement of ObamaCare by the generous and loving IRS, who would NEVER misuse their authority to persecute anyone for their political leanings. I feel so safe at the mercy of our ruling class elitists; don’t you?