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Republicans Going After Republicans?

A washington-united-states-capitol-washington- photo

Opinion by AAABTonto:

I recently wrote “The Trick of Disaster” and in that article was a letter I received from Sen. Dan Coats explaining his vote to fund the government through Jan. 15th, 2014. A few short days after I posted that article, Senator Coats visited the Garrison Show to explain his position and his vote to end the Government shutdown. In this interview Coats complains about the criticism being pointed at Republicans and himself stating that he takes offense that anyone would accuse him of not “fighting” against ObamaCare:

Interview: Garrison with Sen. Coats10-24 (audio)

Alright, Senator Coats, you made your case, but I think you have misunderstood the response that you received. Now, I have some questions for you. You took umbrage at the accusations made against you and the Republicans you voted with, so how do you think the Tea Party feels when the GOP belittles them?

“Why are we tearing Republicans apart?”

Sinister Obama 1

Good question, Senator Coats; that is exactly what I and other conservatives—Tea Party persons, would like to know. The Tea Party did all of the heavy lifting and carried the water for the Republican Party in 2010. As a reward we were denied a platform at the RNC and then blamed for Mitt Romney’s loss in the 2012 election—it was Karl Rove’s failure. You see, he continues to claim that Republicans cannot win without the precious votes of the moderate independents–the undecided, but he has forgotten his base!

Republicans aren’t going to win elections by patronizing a select portion of the electorate—moderates. Moderates don’t even have any core principles on which to base their opinions. The middle is not some lofty perch from which one finds some superior perspective; in fact it is a good place to get run over.

roadkill 2

Meanwhile, Karl Rove and the ruling class Republicans are ignoring and insulting their base! Karl Rove has either lost his mind or, more likely, he doesn’t really want to implement any meaningful change. I think he would rather preserve his beltway buffet of privilege and to hell with the little people in fly-over-country!

The Tea Party is on your side, Senator!

Are you on their side or do you throw in with the beltway, establishment Republicans in the Karl Rove club?

You claim the “public was against you” after because of the shutdown, but it wasn’t the public against you—it was the main stream media(MSM). The MSM, et al., are not your constituents. The people of Indiana are who you need to be responding to—not the damnable propagandist machine of the Obama administration. The MSM is never going to say or report anything positive or objective about Republicans. They are complicit in the fraud that is the Obama administration.

You made the assertion that the strategy to “de-fund” ObamaCare was a failure and that your strategy was now working, but I never understood exactly what that strategy was? Except that you were going to “place more pressure on the Democrats that would cause them to lose reelection in 2014”; I don’t think that is much of a strategy. How can you pressure them if the MSM isn’t going to report their misconduct and your notations of it?

You said we needed a different tactic and made the connection that because you voted to end the shutdown, “Now the Democrats are coming our way.” They are? Why; because a few of them are now calling for a one year delay in the individual mandate? That was the House’ original proposal, but the Obama administration claimed that terrorist Tea Party sect of the Republican Party was holding the President’s signature legislation hostage—NOW, it’s a reasonable idea?

Letting ObamaCare fail or collapse under its own weight does not seem like much of a strategy to me. Whereas the House does, in fact, have the power of the purse and it is within John Boehner’s power to deny said funding. Originally, the House had asked for a one year delay in the individual mandate—but alas, boneless Johnny Boehner crumbled again and we are right back where we started.

The fact is that you didn’t need to vote to end the shutdown. You had a chance to tell Obama “no” and you didn’t take it. That bill didn’t need your support to pass, but you were afraid that if you didn’t endorse it the MSM would heap more derision upon you. Obama has assumed authorities he does not lawfully possess and the Republican Party has said almost nothing against him. Obama has divided the Republican Party with effortless ease and you have played right into his hand. We may need a new strategy, Senator, but first, you need to realize just who your enemy is and who your allies are.

“I resent anybody saying that Dan Coats doesn’t have the courage to stand up and support this kind of thing and he’s waved the white towel and surrendered.” I understand that completely, Senator; I resent the Republican Party’s dismissal of its conservative base.

“Why are Republicans attacking Republicans?” Conservatives want to know …

The Flaw of the Land

Ben Carson Warns: ‘Socialized Medicine Is Keystone to Establishment of a Socialist State’

Opinion by AAABTonto:

Washington, D.C. is 22 square miles surrounded by reality. I don’t think there is any other group in the world that is more detached from the truth than those who occupy our nation’s capitol. Now, I am not the brightest bulb on the tree nor the sharpest knife in the drawer, but the fundamental problem with Obama is his “fundamental transformation” of the greatest human experiment in the history of man—America.

His centerpiece for said transformation is the Affordable Healthcare Act (ACA); affectionately known as ObamaCare. Socialized medicine has been the goal of Progressives for nearly a century and even Ronald Reagan was steadfastly opposed to its implementation. This damnable piece of cheese was jammed through the legislative process via numerous and nefarious methods. While it was being promoted, the President promised us it was not a “tax,” not a single Republican voted for it, a majority of the people were against its implementation and once it was passed  and it made its way to the scrutiny of the Supreme Court, Justice Roberts “saved” its demise by declaring that it was a “tax”! Thank you, Justice Roberts …. What happened there? I wonder if he wasn’t blackmailed somehow, but I digress.

Lies of Obamacare

Everything that the President promised us regarding ObmaCare has turned out to be untrue—yes, LIES! And yes, I am calling the President a liar; because he lied. It is NOT because he happens to be black. I don’t care if he is mauve with orange pinstripes; he lied, he is lying and will probably continue to lie. ObamaCare is an unmitigated disaster!

Obamacare: Impact on Taxpayers

1 The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act of 2010 will raise taxes on middle-income families in direct violation of President Obama’s pledge not to do so.
2 Many families that make far less than $250,000 a year have high-end health plans and will be subject to the excise tax.
3 The increased hospital insurance payroll tax rate will fund a new entitlement separate from Medicare for the first time.
4 Applying the HI tax to investment income will discourage investment and lead to slower economic growth, fewer jobs, and lower wages.
5 The individual mandate amounts to a de facto tax on individuals who do not want to purchase insurance.
6 The biggest tax hikes will take effect after President Obama’s first term and many Members of Congress are out of office.
7 The health legislation includes a myriad of smaller tax hikes, many of which will fall on middle- and lower-income Americans.

Ronald Reagan Speaks Out Against Socialized Medicine

This disaster is not any kind of of improvement on healthcare. In fact, it is a hindrance to obtaining healthcare. I wholly admit that there are problems with our healthcare system, especially from the insurance side of things. However, socializing medicine and erecting a bloated, vindictive bureaucracy to lord over and dispense healthcare is hardly an efficient method by which to streamline the industry. Issues with free market economics tend to repair themselves if given the opportunity, but socialist are opportunists and socializing medicine is the socialists on ramp to ultimate power.

A cartoon obamacare-this-is-going-to-hurt

Seniors Will Lose Big Under Obamacare

Obamacare’s Impact on Seniors

Take an aspirin and die. “There are no death panels,” yea right … This is redistribution at its most evil. Anyone with half a brain can understand that healthcare costs increase for all of us as we begin to age. Under this new system bureaucrats will determine who will get certain treatments based on a person’s age—the older you are the less efficient it is provide expensive procedures and thus our quality of life in old age is going to be diminished. Expenses will have to be curbed and distributed to those “most deserving.”

Obamacare: Impact on Seniors

A Thomas sowell quote graphic

How Much Is Your Health Insurance Going Up Thanks to Obamacare?

Liberty is lost. This all about the limitation of choice, which is ironic because the people who are in favor of ObamaCare are almost all “pro choice” when it comes to abortion. However, when it comes to choosing anything else you need to ask their permission first. So is the government’s healthcare website just an exchange or is it something more? Is it a personal information vacuum designed to collect data on citizens?

Top IRS ObamaCare Official Advised White House On Groups Challenging Contraception Mandate

The Left claims that healthcare is a right. Really? If it is a right, then why do they need to penalize us for not “exercising” our right? Do rights need to be enforced by the IRS? Their entire contention that healthcare is a right cannot stand up to logical scrutiny; it is an intellectual fraud. The whole thing is unconstitutional and they know it.

Alright, conservatives expect the persecution and derogatory drivel from Democrats, but we’re also receiving it from the ungrateful GOP. After several dozen symbolic bills to “repeal” the dreadful ObamaCare were passed by the House—only to be placed in Harry Reid’s morgue drawer for Republican legislation—boneless Johnny Boehner was finally persuaded to pull the plug on the funding of ObamaCare and asked the President to delay its implementation for one year—money for government spending is controlled by the House.

Obama, the ONE who waited for himself, threw an toddler’s temper tantrum and forced the shutdown of the government—well, 17% of it. Then promptly blamed the Tea Party for holding his beloved bill hostage and then began calling them “anarchists, legislative arsonists, terrorists with bombs strapped to their chests, kidnappers, extortionists …” and numerous other hateful, childish names. How erudite and sophisticated. Man, what a leader!

RINOs Strike Tea Party Over Shutdown

“It’s time for someone to act like a grown-up in this process,” former New Hampshire Gov. John Sununu stated, laying blame at the feet of Texas Sen. Ted Cruz and Tea Party Republicans as much as President Barack Obama for their uncompromising stance. Sununu, Rove and the whole host of beltway RINO elitists fault the Tea Party for their own failed strategies. They believe the media when they tell them that the GOP’s problem is their nasty base—the Tea Party. They think that trying to de-fund ObamaCare is going to make them look bad, that anything we might do to oppose Obama will cause the Republican Party shame. The media NEVER says anything favorable about Republicans unless they have forfeited some core conservative belief. When will Republicans come to realize this fact?

LeviConfronts Sen. Ron Johnson on Obamacare

More Conservative, Less Republican

The truth is that these RINOs don’t want to upset their beltway buffet of privilege. They don’t want to effect any political change or reduce the size of our bloated government. They just want to be in control of it themselves. They claim that they need to control the White House and both houses of congress in order to effect change, but the last time they had all three legs of the stool, they just spent more taxpayer dollars and increased the girth of the government’s bloated bureaucracies. They don’t care to defend their own constituents or their own country from the clutches of socialism? Apparently …

An ObamaCare_Needle_Poster

New ObamaCare premiums come as shock to some consumers (Video)

Then there is the epic failure of the government’s Obamacare website. The President calls it a “glitch,” but they’ve had three years to set this up and spent $634 million of taxpayer’s money on it and the damn thing does not work! It is a turd!

A turdtwister logo

This Exchange Doesn’t Work

The Threat We Face

Obama flagObama, the Progressive Left and the ruling class Republicans are flawed. They are ruling this country against the will of the people. They are trying to rig the game so that the people can never win. ObamaCare is not the “law of the land”—it is the flaw of the land!

The GOP: Breaking Bad … Wind

A GOP Behind-Cruz-590-LI

Opinion by AAABTonto:

The GOP is a sad example of American apathy. Today’s ruling class Republicans are afraid to fight for principle. They are willing to allow the wholesale decay of liberty’s essence in order that they might remain politically ensconced. This is a poor strategy. We have already seen, in the last election, that the conservative base of the Republican Party is not going to be enthusiastic about a moderate candidate. RomneyCare, ObamaCare, why vote for a pseudo moderate Republican when you can vote for a genuine Marxist Democrat? Only, Karl Rove knows the answer to that question …

No one wanted Obamacare. No Republicans voted for it. When it finally reached the Supreme Court, Justice Roberts ruled that it was constitutional on the basis that ObamaCare was a “tax”—a definition that Obama denied throughout his two year campaign to get passed through the congress. Never mind, Obama was going to impose it regardless of the people’s will.

Now, as it is being employed, we are discovering that our fears surrounding Obamacare were justifiable and then some. The President is handing out waivers and exemptions like candy to include the congress itself! And yet we couldn’t get the boneless Johnny Boehner to do anything about it even though he controls its funding. He finally relented after weeks of pressure …

House GOP Leaders Speak To Press After Republican Conference MtgBoneless Johnny Boehner

So the de-funding is attached to the continuing resolution and sent to the Senate. Finally engaged in battle against ObamaCare, led by Sen. Ted Cruz, we watch in horror as he comes under relentless, derogatory criticism by his own party!

Why do the establishment ruling class Republicans hate Ted Cruz?

From the article above:

Over the weekend Ted Cruz sat down with Chris Wallace to discuss the issue of defunding Obamacare, after this interview Chris Wallace made the claim to Karl Rove that establishment ruling class Republicans were asking him to “hammer” the Senator from Texas during the interview.

“As soon as we listed Ted Cruz as our featured guest this week, I got unsolicited research and questions, not from Democrats but from top Republicans, to hammer Cruz,” Wallace said, addressing Karl Rove, a member of the show’s panel.

Sarah Palin then took Chris Wallace to task and called upon him to release the names of those Republicans who were attacking Ted Cruz instead of using unanimous sources.

At this point it is unclear to me what Sarah Palin’s motive was: was she in disbelief of Chris Wallace’s statement and looking for proof, or does she believe the claim and is simply looking for the names of those Republicans who are going after Ted Cruz?

As for me, I happen to believe Chris Wallace for I see no benefit to him for making this up. So why are the establishment ruling class Republicans so opposed to Ted Cruz? I think Karl Rove’s response to Chris Wallace sums it all up:

‘This was a strategy laid out by [Utah Republican Sen.] Mike Lee and Ted Cruz without any consultation with their colleagues’

The establishment ruling class Republicans are upset with Ted Cruz because they have not been able to control him, he represents a threat to their power and they are more interested in protecting their station in life than they are with doing the work of the American people. …

Indeed, they are—the GOP has done everything they can to distance themselves from the Tea Party despite the fact that it was the Tea Party that did the heavy lifting and secured the House for Republicans in 2010. John McCain is probably the most outspoken member of the GOP whose resentful disdain for the Tea Party is obvious.

John McCain Says ObamaCare “Will Not Stand”

Promises, promises, but fast-forward to the present and McCain flip-flops just when things start to matter; he sides with Democrats, blames the Tea Party, savages Ted Cruz and has to have Harry Reid come to his assistance.

The genius—not, Karl Rove, chief Republican strategist and beltway good-ol’-boy, has imposed ‘powerful’ presidential candidates like McCain and Romney, who went down in smoldering defeat. Yet, we’re still supposed to accept Rove’s declaration that any political strategy must be framed in moderation—the Tea Party shouldn’t be rocking the boat.

 A ruling-class-mccain

This is the real problem with the GOP and Rep. Peter King provides an excellent example of RINO elitism.

“He’s not standing on principle,” Mr. King told CNN. “I don’t know what he’s standing on. But he’s standing for a strategy that can’t work. It’s going to personally help him as far as his political status, but it’s going to be bad for the country, bad for the Republican Party. I’ve never seen anyone as unpopular in Republican circles as Ted Cruz.”

No, Mr. King, YOU are bad for the country. YOU are bad for the Republican Party. YOU and your spineless, beltway, RINO buds have hung the American people out to dry and you are only concerned with how to preserve your luxuries as a member of the ruling class by keeping the status quo.

Rep. Peter King: Sen. Ted Cruz tapped into ‘dark strain in the American political psyche’

Peter King: “Ted Cruz is a fraud”

Fox’s Wallace on ObamaCare Fight: GOP ‘Made it Too Easy for Democrats’

Then there is the ugly … ‘ObamaCare is the law of the land’ … a mantra parroted by the Left and the propagandist media repeatedly.

The amenable Sen. Barbara Mikulski (D-Md.), who explained on  Friday that the reason behind Texas Senator Ted Cruz’s request for the vote on cloture to be moved from Thursday to the following afternoon, was because he wanted his “tea bagger” buddies to watch.

“The reason Ted Cruz stood up and asked for a delay is so that he could have a vote during today when the ‘tea baggers’ in his Tea Party were going to watch,” said Mikulski, the Chairwoman of the Senate Appropriations Committee, in an interview with MSNBC’s Andrea know-it-all Mitchell.

“That’s why I’ve repeatedly said: the greatest deliberative body in the world has become the greatest delay body in the world,” she continued—a ranking member of the greatest deliberative body in the world can now address a legitimate, thinking number of voting citizens with an obscenity?

“Tea bagger” defined: Note: obscene definition here.

Top Dem. Actually Refers to Ted Cruz Supporters as “Teabaggers”

Is Mikulski related to Barney Frank? They look and ‘thound ‘justh alike … but I digress …

Speaking of ugly, Mrs. Nancy moon-bat Pelosi had to weigh in … from an article at the Washington Post:

“It is impossible for Democrats to negotiate with Republicans because they can’t even negotiate with themselves,” the California Democrat said. “Instead of legislating responsibly, they want to live dangerously.”

“This is silly,” Mrs. Pellosi said. “Maybe they did not get some orientation on how serious the work is that we do here. Clearly they are a manifestation of what President Washington cautioned against when he left office, which is political parties at war with their own government, and that is what we have: the tail wagging the dog of the Republican party.”

“It is two different subjects,” Mrs. Pelosi told reporters, alluding to the two legislative fights. “Yes, they are all about budget, but one is the full faith and credit of the United States of America and the other is a priorities debate on spending and saving and growth.”

U.S. Treasury Secretary Jack Lew warned Congress this week that the nation would exhaust its borrowing limit no later than Oct. 17 – setting the stage for another legislative battle on the debt limit.

Mrs. Pelosi said that 186 House Democrats have signed a letter in support of raising the debt ceiling without conditions.
Republicans, meanwhile, are seeking additional spending cuts.

“They’re holding the entire economy hostage, and their tea party ransom demands come at a significant cost to our economic security,” Mrs. Pelosi said.

The President said he would NOT negotiate with Republicans, Nancy dear—but he will negotiate with Iran. The American people are not being held hostage by the Tea Party, they are being held hostage by ObamaCare. And, we aren’t “teabaggers,” you Botox bloated nitwit. There are no testicles resting on Tea Party chins and I am damn tired of being badmouthed by erudite felons who are politically fleecing the American people to death and slandering them with their own tax dollars!

The name calling begins as soon as the people begin to close in on the truth. We don’t have any economic security! Obama has spent us far beyond anything G.W. Bush ever imagined and yet they still blame him for everything that is Obama’s responsibility. Nothing these cretins say is valid and the GOP won’t even call them on it!

Mark Levin explained it all quite well …

Mark Levin on CNN w/ Jake Tapper Bashes ‘Serial Liar’ Obama’s ‘Scare Tactics’ Over Gov’t Shutdown

ObamaCare is a genuine disaster. It is a job killing, liberty stealing, bureaucracy-bloating, socialist, power grab and the American people do not want it! The GOP’s failure to lead in defeating its implementation is akin to Obama’s ‘leading from behind’ … it only underscores the dysfunctional state of American politics. The GOP has become a fowl breath of hot flatulence … it’s not nice to break wind with your face.

A senator McButtlipsA Republicrat

Rand Paul: Ally To Al Qaeda & Juan Williams and Karl Rove Clash Over Benghazi Scandal

Rand Paul: Ally To Al Qaeda FULL Fox News Sunday Interview 9/8/2013
*     *     *

Juan Williams and Karl Rove Clash Over Benghazi Scandal – Fox News Sunday – 9/8/13

Opinion by AAABTonto:

Jaun Williams is a disgusting partisan hypocrite … “In your head, baby”? As much as I detest Karl Rove he was certainly on the right side of history in this debate. Everything Williams said was an affront to reality and an insult to the intelligent. The President didn’t do a damn thing for his own people in Benghazi, but some 1400 Syrians are gassed and he wants to go to war. What about the other 100,000 victims of this heinous conflict? Dead is dead; I don’t care how they died. Then there is the Muslim persecution of Christians and non-Muslims throughout the Middle East, Africa and Indonesia—crickets.

Additionally, Russia has thousands of personnel stationed in Syria. If we strike and any of them are killed wouldn’t Russia be within their rights to counterstrike? Syria is not the problem—it is the symptom. Iran is the problem and if Obama would grow some balls and deal with Iran’s nuclear ambitions, the Syrian issue would take care of itself.

The President has made this predicament and he is attempting to save himself from embarrassment. This has NOTHING to do with America’s credibility, it is about Obama’s credibility.

Obama’s Birthday … now Isn’t That Special?

Obama the great 5

Opinion by AAABTonto:

It is August 4th and being Obama’s birthday, it is interesting that Al Qaeda has threats out there that have closed our embassies around the world. If they wanted to do something to celebrate Obama’s birthday, maybe they should take a multimillion dollar trip to Africa on the American taxpayer’s dime or go out and play 18 holes.

The Al Qaeda threat that prompted the State Department to issue a worldwide travel alert and close down 21 embassies and consulates for the weekend is serious and ‘very specific,'” Rep. Peter King, chairman of the Subcommittee on Counterterrorism and Intelligence, said on Friday.

“We’re not certain exactly where something might happen, but it’s very specific as to when and it’s also very specific as to the fact that it is going to happen, so we have to be on alert everywhere.”

This travel alert was the first of its kind since the the tenth anniversary of the 9/11 terrorist attacks. The announcement came as Washington prepared to close its embassies and consulates throughout the Muslim world this Sunday (today-Obama’s birthday) over security concerns.

Never mind the fact that we really don’t know whether or not the President was even born in the United States ….

Happy Birthday Song by Satan

Happy Birthday You’re Not Special

A birthers certificate 2

Zimmerman Trial … a Pound of Flesh

A pound of flesh war_rscc_71_624x544Opinion by AAABTonto:

Currently our country’s citizenry is focused on a spectacle of rage, stupidity and judicial malpractice—the George Zimmerman trial. Regardless of your opinion of George Zimmerman or Trayvon Martin, the only person left in the world that knows what really happened is George Zimmerman. Liars are usually seen to be liars because they, at some point, altar their story—Zimmerman has not.

What has happened is that the media, the White House and the DOJ have all gotten involved in this case and done their best to turn this incident into a political, racial cogwheel.

Newly Released Documents Detail the Department of Justice’s Role in Organizing Trayvon Martin Protests

They, and their cohorts in media, have turned this tragic incident into a clown car circus act. A police chief has been fired because he found no reason to file charges. The media has gone out of its way to illustrate this as a racial incident by twisting hearsay, NBC’s altering the tape recorded 911 call Zimmerman made, and the splitting of legal hairs.

The senseless armchair quarterbacking of this is insane and it has players from all corners of the political spectrum. Michael Savage has “savaged” Zimmerman, claiming that he had “wanted to be a policeman” that he “was looking for, praying for someone to shoot.” How could Michael Savage possibly know what was in Zimmerman’s mind that terrible night? He cannot; Savage is projecting. Savage says the issue is that Zimmerman was armed and Martin was not–that is NOT the issue.

Michael Savage in his own words:

Michael Savage Blasts George Zimmerman – Aired July 1, 2013

I have a key question for Michael Savage and the rest of the Zimmerman lynchers out there who have already convicted this man without the consideration of facts. If Zimmerman wanted to shoot someone then why did he only fire one shot? I might have emptied the clip if it were me and my head was being bashed into the concrete. I think the fact that Zimmerman had the discipline to fire a single shot demonstrates that he did not intend to kill his assailant, only stop the attack.

MSNBC’s Hayes: FNC and Conservatives Treating Black Americans Like Zimmerman Treated Trayvon Martin

MSNBC host Chris Hayes interviewed University of Connecticut Professor Jelani Cobb, the MSNBC host complained that conservatives are treating black Americans the way Zimmerman treated Trayvon Martin. Hayes said:

“So here’s what frustrates, angers me genuinely about this, is, what conservatives are doing to black people at large is precisely what George Zimmerman did to Trayvon Martin.”

Really? Give me an example of said treatment. “Genuinely” my posterior! How is it that conservatives are mistreating blacks? This is a preposterous claim and … I think it it demonstrates black racism of whites. It perpetuates a societal ill that we have nearly outgrown, but the race baiters can’t let go of their number one shake-down technique.

Then there is the circus act in the courtroom itself. Mark Levin explains:

Mark Levin BLASTS ‘Obnoxious And Pathetic’ Judge Debra Nelson: ‘You’re Way Out Of Line!’

George Zimmerman should have never been tried. This was a clear instance of self defense. One does not have to endure a beating in order to use his firearm—one only needs to demonstrate that he was in fear of his life. Having your head caved in would fit that descriptor. Trayvon had several chances to end his assault and he chose not to. That decision cost him his life and … it has cost George Zimmerman his life; because he will be a target for as long as he lives. This will never go away from him regardless of the outcome of this trial.

Ex-Sanford Police Chief Was Pressured To Arrest Zimmerman — Fired For Refusing To Arrest Without Probable Cause

This trial is a story of bad decisions. Bad decisions by the two men involved, bad decisions by the White House and the DOJ for stoking the flames of racial tension, bad decisions by Sanford city leaders and it will probably spawn bad decisions by low-information lynch-mobs, who will riot in demand of their pound of flesh regardless of the rule of law or factual evidence. I find it ironic that these same people who are willing to riot while shouting “no justice, no peace” also believe that the Constitution was written by “old white bigots” who couldn’t possibly have foreseen our modern circumstance. This is a step backwards, a devolution and return to mid-evil mob rule.

It is a “fundamental transformation” for sure ….

A midevil stake burning

Obama’s Climate Change Agenda Is a Fool’s Vengeance

Greg Gutfeld & ‘The Five’ BLAST Obama’s Climate Change Agenda – Fox News – 6-25-13

Opinion by AAABTonto:

Obama’s climate change agenda is a poorly timed retort to the scandalanche by which he is surrounded. He has been embarrassed by China and Russia concerning the  NSA/Snowden escapade and he looks weak and irrelevant. So what does he decide to do? Why, he comes out swinging with climate claims that have long been debunked and he looks even more foolish than he did yesterday! The problem is that he is threatening to to bypass congress and implement these directives via executive order–this man’s arrogance never ceases to amaze me.

If it is not obvious to you by now that he is hell-bent on destroying America with his “fundamental transformation,” then you are as delusional as he is. This is surreal. We have enough coal–inexpensive clean energy, to last us another 300 years. Our environmental standards exceed every other industrialized nation on the planet. We should not place another restriction on ourselves until the rest of the world’s polluters do something to clean up their act and begin to improve their air quality.

But … that is not good enough for Obama …

No, he so zealous in his hatred of capitalism that he can’t wait to penalize America and continue his foolish, vengeful strangulation of our economy in order to ensure our poverty and eventual sole dependance on the government.

Sinister Obama 1