Category Archives: Tyranny

Winning the Government-Shutdown Fight

American flag 2

Why Republicans can’t back down…

11-Year-Old Yemeni Girl Nada Al-Ahdal Flees Home to Avoid Forced Marriage: I’d Rather Kill Myself

11-Year-Old Yemeni Girl Nada Al-Ahdal Flees Home to Avoid Forced Marriage: I’d Rather Kill Myself

Opinion by AAABTonto:

From the mouths of children … this child sees the truth through her innocence and I am moved to tears by her brevity and her determination to defy what she knows is evil. This video is from an article by  at Answering Muslims.

Eleven-Year-Old Nada Al-Ahdal Flees Home to Avoid Forced Marriage in Yemen

Infirmity 11

Mark Levin Unloads On Obama: ‘I’m Ashamed of this President, I Think He’s a Disgrace’

Mark Levin Unloads On Obama: ‘I’m Ashamed Of This President, I Think He’s A Disgrace’

Opinion by AAABTonto:

Mark Levin is right on the money.

I can find nothing laudable about President Obama‘s impromptu remarks last Friday afternoon about Trayvon Martin and George Zimmerman or anything new in his recent ObbamaCare campaign speech. Obama doesn’t care about the people … he hates his country. All he cares about is implementation of his Marxian agenda.

Obama  is tearing the fabric of the nation with negative comments about the United States. His statements are divisive and destructive. His commandant of the DOJ has declared war on Texas because he and his progressive goon squad don’t like voter ID laws. How is it that a providing an photo ID at an election poll is specifically racially discriminating against blacks if everyone has to provide one? Answer: It isn’t, unless you want to provide the opportunity for people to cheat by voting more than once or at multiple polling locations!

Why does Obama call the surrounding sea of scandal “phony”? Why does Obama lower himself into the gutter with Al Sharpton? Mark Levin chastised the President:

“I’m ashamed of this President. I think he’s a disgrace. I’m ashamed of this Attorney General. I think he’s a disgrace. They have no respect for you. i don’t care what your color is. They have no respect for this country. None.”

Many deride Mark Levin as shrill and reactionary, but Levin is anything but reactionary. Indeed, he is calculated, spirited and passionate. Mark Levin reveals the title of his new book, “The Liberty Amendments”—this is a must listen:

7/10/13 Mark Levin Audio Rewind

We can take our country back. It won’t be easy, but it is possible and I think the glaring failures of ObamaCare, his pathetic Green Energy Programs and the growing mire of scandals are going to accelerate the process. As these programs unfold and their destructive impositions are unleashed, there is bound to be a backlash. Indeed, it has already begun with the unions expressing their disenchantment at not being allowed to continue their current health care programs under the auspices of the ACA. Obama has trampled the Constitution and circumvented the legislative process zealously.

It is well past time to do something about it!

 Raise Hell!!!

Sam Kinison- Gonna Raise Hell

american horse 1

Hysteria: America Is a ‘Nation of Laws to Protect White Male Heterosexual Christian People’

Americas War-On-Christianity 1

Opinion by AAABTonto:

There is an unspoken but open assault on Christianity in America today and it has now thrust its ugly head into the explosion of opinion resulting from the verdict of the Zimmerman trial.  Everything is the fault of conservative Christians.

This is ridiculous …

BET’s Michaela Angela Davis on Anderson Cooper 360 (Video)

BET’s Michaela Angela Davis made this ridiculous comment on Anderson Cooper’s 360:

“We’ve had this construct of this nation of laws, a nation to protect white male heterosexual Christian people. And when you are… we are moving very swiftly out of that construct, but these laws were designed to protect and serve them.”

Additionally, she said the women of the jury should have identified with Treyvon’s fear of getting raped by George Zimmerman. However, because of their racism and lack of humanity, they neglected that conclusion. The fantastic idea that Treyvon attacked Zimmerman because he feared he was being followed by a “gay rapist” was made popular by the star witness in the Zimmerman case,  Rachel Jeantel—though the source for this video blamed conservative talk show host Rush Limbaugh. Imagine that.

President Obama SPEECH On Trayvon Martin Zimmerman Case System Fail Trayvon Martin 7-19 (Abreviated)

President Obama Trayvon Martin FULL SPEECH. 7/19/2013. White House Briefing

George Zimmerman’s Brother Responds To Obama’s Trayvon Martin Remark – 7/19/2013

Zimmerman’s brother doesn’t sound like a race-monger … he doesn’t describe his brother as a racist hothead. In fact, it sounds like George Zimmerman is the opposite of what the media has so desperately tried to make him out to be. Indeed, the FBI has spent the past year investigating Zimmerman and could not find a single incident of bigotry. But that doesn’t fit the narrative that King Barack Obama and Herr Eric Von holder want to impose. To them, racism is rampant and white Christian males are the problem.

 NBC Declares War on Christians

But no one has the courage to confront them—especially the ruling-class Republicans who are apparently going to appease the Democrats until the Constitution is reduced to a single asterisk.

Raymond Ibrahim: Obama Administration Calls for the ‘Human Rights’ of Jihadi Murderers

“What war on Christianity?” So asked one in an article he posted in the Huffington Compost in February of this year. It is a hair splitting, meaningless load of drivel that is a comparison/contrast between the “fundamentalist” Jimmy Carter and the less orthodox-ed Ronald Reagan with some nay-saying banter about the “brand” of Christianity under critique.  It is a disgustingly pointless plethora of gob-frothing in the light of the recent admissions by the IRS that they were, in fact, targeting Christian and conservative groups. Got that, Bob? The IRS has admitted wrong doing!

Liberals attempt to slough off everything of consequence—after all they’re not on the receiving end and besides, those pro-life Neanderthal Christians are the bigoted hate-mongers; it’s about time they got a dose of their own medicine, right? Mr. Slayton, sir, you are a perfect ass … just like your glorious King and his imperial regiment of czars.

In the fading light of the IRS scandal we can see the layers of a hateful onion being peeled away. The President has never condemned the near genocidal wave of Muslim on Christian violence and persecution that intensified following the Muslim Brotherhood’s rise to power after Obama knocked Mubarak off his throne—and now we can begin to see why. He has had it in for for the religious right all along. Have you ever heard a Christian say that the most beautiful sound in the world is the Muslim call to prayer?

Christians’ discrimination cases rejected by human rights court

The fact is that the Obama administration’s handling of the Benghazi scandal (intimidation of whistleblowers), the IRS scandal (targeting conservative nonprofits and campaign donors), and the AP/Rosen scandals (phone-tapping journalists, their families and news agencies) is indicative of Obama’s character, his leadership and his callousness. It is not a mistake. He may know how keep himself “distanced” in order to maintain the facade of “plausible deniability,” but there is so much “blood in the water” that it is becoming unbelievable and undeniable that ultimately, Obama is responsible.

Lois Lerner Directly Involved in IRS Targeting, Letters Show

Of course, the Democrats never own up to responsibility … instead, they blame the victims, George Zimmerman or George Bush—whichever is more convenient …

Pelosi Blames “Bush Appointee” For “Politicized” IRS Scandal

However, the Republican Party has its own chip on its shoulder concerning the Tea Party and they are trying to make sure that conservatives don’t spoil their beltway buffet. So I wouldn’t look for them to come to the defense of Christian conservatives any time soon.

Strassel: Conservatives Became Targets in 2008. The Obama campaign played a big role in a liberal onslaught that far pre-dated Citizens United.

Reverse Racist Michael Eric Dyson: The System is rigged to favor the White Man

Gohmert: Obama Declared ‘War with Christianity,’ Doesn’t Understand America

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Christianity vs Obama

Listen to the Liar Lie: Obama Affordable Care Act Speech

President Obama Affordable Care Act Speech (ACA). 7/18/2013

Opinion by AAABTonto:

This is all malarkey and the ONE (who waited for himself) knows it.  This Obama Affordable Care Act is a genuine disaster. I can’t stand listening to this egomaniac bullshit his way through his presidency while fornicating away our liberty and money.

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Eric Holder: ‘People who feel threatened have a duty to retreat’

Eric Holder: ‘People who feel threatened have a duty to retreat’

Opinion by AAABTonto:

This man is unfit to be an attorney, much less the Attorney General. He is a menace.  It is my understanding that Florida’s “stand your ground law” has benefited black citizens in self defense court cases greatly, so let’s take away a “common sense” law that helps people and replace it with a pacifist law that allows victims of violence to be further violated and humiliated. Way to go there, Herr Holder … you idiot.

Eric Holder: Self-defense is deadly; ‘People who feel threatened have a duty to retreat’

And the President didn’t want to be left out of the spotlight of stupidity, so he put his two cents in … (probably our two cents—aw, never mind!)

Obama: If you oppose the Gang of Eight immigration bill you’re probably scared of minorities



Blacks benefit from Florida ‘Stand Your Ground’ law at disproportionate rate