Category Archives: Liberty

Cruz: Obama Should Apologize to Nation in State of the Union

Ted Cruz Accuses Bob Schieffer of Repeating Democratic Talking Points – January 26, 2014
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Cruz: Obama Should Apologize to Nation in State of the Union
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The Tonight Show with Jay Leno: Speaker John Boehner

Speaker John Boehner, Part 1 – The Tonight Show with Jay Leno
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Speaker John Boehner, Part 2 – The Tonight Show with Jay Leno
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Opinion by AAABTonto:

We need a new Republican Party. We need to depose the ruling elites atop the GOP and rebuild the Party from the grassroots up. John Boehner spends more time justifying his differences with the Tea Party faction of the Republican Party than he does criticizing his political opponents; who, are misusing and abusing the law, ignoring the Constitution and circumventing protocol with impunity.

In this video John Boehner says that Jeb Bush would make a great presidential candidate for 2016 and I want to throw up. Mark Levin said it all succinctly on his radio show this past Friday—Boehner is a moderate elitist. Mark deserves a quantum ‘thank you’ for all he has done in the conservative effort to preserve Liberty.

Charles Schumer Sums Up The Tea Party Perfectly
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Mark also discusses Senator Chuck Schumer and his attack on the Tea party. ‘Chuckie’ explains that it’s not the Tea Party, but the “Tea Party elites” that are mucking it for the whole of the country. The Tea Party is only guilty of trying to preserve Liberty. There is a reason we don’t do things like they do in Europe and it is the same reason the Founding Fathers created America!

An Obama disaster‘Love myself, better than I love myself …’

Robert Spencer: Interfaith Dialogue

A coexist islamSahih al-Bukhari 6922Allah’s Messenger said, “If anyone changed his Islamic religion, then kill him.”

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Akbar Ahmed Explains the Obstacles Faced by American Muslims
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wanted dead or alive - infidelsIslam’s ‘Most Wanted List’

David Horowitz: The Black Book of the American Left

The Black Book of the American Left: The Collected Conservative Writings of David Horowitz
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Why Obama Freed Terror Lawyer Lynne Stewart

The Glazov Gang-Part 1 of 2/ Daniel Greenfield on Gates’ Confirmation of “Party of Defeat”
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The Glazov Gang-Part 2 of 2/ Daniel Greenfield on Gates’ Confirmation of “Party of Defeat”
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From YouTube description:

Published on Jan 10, 2014
The Glazov Gang-Part 1 of 2/ Daniel Greenfield on Gates’ Confirmation of “Party of Defeat”
Hosted by: Ann-Marie Murrell
Daniel Greenfield (Shillman Fellow, Freedom Center)

 Opinion by AAABTonto:

Daniel Greenfield is someone I can identify with. His devotion to to the truth—as otherwise ignored by the MSM, is most admirable. He has the ‘tell it like it is’ ability and perseverance that I wish all journalists had. In the above video, he is correct in his assessment that, if we all share our knowledge with others and circumvent the MSM, then we can overcome them. The truth is seen by those of us looking at it, regardless of what media propagandists tell us to believe.

That’s why I blog. I am not the sharpest knife in the drawer, or the most articulate communicator, but when I see something terrible happening to my country, I can’t be quiet about it. I just can’t. The more I learn about my world, the more I want to know and the expansion of Islam and introduction of Sharia is a definite threat to Western cultures. It is threatening because it imposes the Islamic belief system on free peoples who, are then subject to whatever whimsical demands Muslims might make on them. It is ridiculously absurd. Absolutely anything that we might do as westerners could be construed as ‘offensive’ to Muslims, because we haven’t done it to honor Alla!

Daniel Greenfield’s work at FrontPage Mag is outstanding; giving readers a realistic perspective into the politics of Islam. Here is a link to one Greenfield’s more recent articles that I trust you all will share with your friends.

What Churchill Would Make of Obama’s Iran Appeasement

Brothers Muslim 2