Did Allah Corrupt the Gospel?
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Category Archives: Indoctrination
Megyn Kelly’s Epic Smackdown of CAIR!
Ibrahim Hooper Kelly File Cair Spokesman HEATED DEBATE Over Ayaan Hirsi Ali
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Megyn Kelly Ibrahim Hooper Kelly File PART 2. Kelly Hooper Cair Spokesman HEATED DEBATE
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CAIR Reacts to Megyn Kelly’s Epic Smackdown!
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Obama is Just Trying to Help …
NBC News Special Report – Obama Remarks on Healthcare 4/1/2014
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Opinion by AAABTonto:
Isn’t that just special? Nothing the President says in the above video is true, but that doesn’t stop him from spiking the football and letting his gaggle of Rose Garden circus seals clap their flippers together and bark approvingly. Except that the networks didn’t break their routine programing to allow Obama to thump his boney Marxist chest. Previously they would have fallen down on one another to interrupt regular programing so Obama could polish his prized hood ornament; but they didn’t. Could it be they see the writing on the wall?
What’s even more amazing is that the math Obama is boasting about does not mandate success of his miserable, disastrous government take-over of healthcare. He claims that 7.1 million people have eagerly signed up. Probably 1/3 of those 7.1 have not paid their premiums and the other 2/3 got kicked off the plans they had, BECAUSE OF O’Care! I saw a report that estimated that only 850,000 of the people who had signed up, had not previously had insurance … and the WH is spiking the football as if this was all some great feat of justice for all humanity. In fact, it is simply a check box on the Alinsky rule list …
There are over 300 million people in this country and less than a million of them have signed up for this lousy scam that didn’t have coverage previously. Obama has destroyed what was to give us something that is twice as expensive, half as efficient and makes encroachments on liberty like no other law ever imposed in the history of our republic.
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Obama: ‘Be Proud’ of Higher Premiums, Lost Doctors and False Promises
I heard a caller to Mark Levin’s show try to explain ‘how we got where we are with ObamaCare’ by saying, “Something had to be done …”
NO, something did not HAVE to be done!
Here is another way to look at the math. Roughly speaking, 260 million people HAD healthcare insurance coverage before Obama decided to do us all a favor and uproot 1/7th of the American economy to completely ‘transform’ the healthcare industry. So Obama pulled the rug out from under all those people, who were being responsible (and have finite bank accounts), supposedly to insure the 40 million who didn’t have health insurance coverage. Now Obama has moved heaven and earth and the ACA is ‘the law of the land’ and after the deadline to sign up [3/31/14] has passed, the White House celebrated reaching their ‘goal’ of 7 million signups for his ingenious, illustrious plan. Obama whined, “The Affordable Care Act is here to stay … it is helping people …”
Great job, Obama! You have inconvenienced and imposed twice the cost and half of the quality of services on 299 million citizens to insure less that 1 million other citizens. He claims the law is helping people? … while cancer patients relationship’ with their ecologists are severed? Hospitals curb staffing and doctors decide to retire early instead continuing their practices? And this is helping people? Harry Reid said they weren’t even ‘real’!
Obama is America’s enemy number One!
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Daryl Hall & John Oates – I Can’t Go For That (No Can Do)
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The Sun Revolves Around the Earth
Senior Saudi Cleric Al-Fawzan: The Sun Revolves around the Earth
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Do Muslims Respect Jesus?
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Doing the “Right” Thing – Some of Muhammad’s Handy Teachings
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Mark Levin: the Progressive Liberal Mindset
The Great Mark Levin References Seton Motley and His Mark Lloyd Work
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NCMR 2008 Media Reform and Social Change w/Mark Lloyd part 1
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Obama’s Czar Mark Lloyd’s FCC ‘Diversity’ Chief – His Take on Free Speech part 2
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FCC Diversity Czar Mark Lloyd discussing plans to shut down conservative media
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20 Reasons Muhammad is not a Prophet
Top Ten Reasons Muhammad Is Not a Prophet
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Ten MORE Reasons Muhammad Is Not a Prophet
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Citizen Satirizes Proposed Local Firearms Ordinances
Citizen satirizes proposed local firearms ordinances
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Treatment of Women in Qur’an 4:34
Treatment of Women in Qur’an 4:34
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Penn & Teller : Crap – Global Warming
Penn & Teller : Crap – Global Warming
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Obamacare’s Broken Promises
Obamacare’s Broken Promises
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