Category Archives: GOP

Implausible Deniability – Intellectual Froglegs 3/15/2015

Implausible Deniability – Intellectual Froglegs 03.15.15
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american-flag 1God bless America !

Iowa Freedom Summit 2015

Some of the speeches form the Iowa Freedom Summit 2015

Iowa Freedom Summit 2015 Scott Walker Speech
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Sen. Ted Cruz at the Iowa Freedom Summit
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Ben Carson Iowa Freedom Summit FULL Speech
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Full Speech – Sarah Palin at the Iowa Freedom Summit 1/24/2015
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Frank Gaffney & Doug Feith: New Iraq WMD scandal

Frank Gaffney and Doug Feith on the new Iraq WMD scandal
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PJ Media: War on Middle Class, Time to Die, Geezers!

Tech Oligarchs Wage War on Middle Class
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Time to Die, Geezers! Are the Death Panels Coming?
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‘Hell Ride with Demon Seed’

“The darkest places in hell are reserved for those who maintain their neutrality in times of moral crisis.” – Dante Alighieri

 Opinion by AAABTonto:

IF we are being led at all, it is surely by someone, who is in a hurry to see the gates Hell. Barrack Obama is by far, the worst President America has ever had in office. There is no doubt in my mind that he is batting for the other team. Are you proud to be an American? I am, however, I am profoundly embarrassed that we have one Barrack Hussein Obama as our president.

“What other team,” you ask?

Well, I can’t say for certain, but if one thinks he needs to ‘fundamentally transform’ America, then he sure-as-Hell does not love America. Then there is his cozyness with the Muslim Brotherhood, his obvious disdain for Israel, his support of Hamas … he is obviously a Muslim sympathizer at the very least.

The Muslim Brotherhood in America

Obama is said to have ‘checked out’ recently, but I think that is simply a ploy. His golf game is merely a distraction from the army of lawyers and bureaucrats swarming through the maze of smoke filled rooms which, are manufacturing rules and regulations by the score. This will only serve to further choke the already clogged arteries of our pseudo economy. Obama is not trying to help Americans at all, much less the middle class, he is trying to eliminate them. He wants each and every one of us dependent on the government.

Blueprint for water ‘control’? Pol says EPA made secret maps new regulatory push

Everything Obama does is some component of his progressive erector set that he employs against the will of the American people. Everything the man says is a lie. Every damn thing the man implements causes us inconvenience, pain, suffering and death; meanwhile, he stands behind his podium, smiling and proclaiming how much better HE has made things for us.

Boston Globe Reporter: ‘Bush Had No Coalition’ For Iraq War

The man wouldn’t know! He has never even had a REAL JOB! And, he hates the one he has now—governing is beneath him. He is a god, don’t you know? I’ll bet you money he has never even pulled the starter cord on a lawnmower, much less actually cut grass with one. He swears he’s not an ideologue, but he has to run every action he considers through his secretive think tank of progressive, communist, eggheads before he can make a damn decision. Then, said decision, is usually some form of verbal gymnastics or a semantic hat dance that ultimately means that the President reserves the right to blame the Republicans if it all goes poorly or to take ALL the credit if is a success.

Pelosi: Democrats Never Treated President Bush Badly

“God so loved the world that he made up his mind to damn a large majority of the human race.”Robert G. Ingersoll

Islamic State urges Muslims to attack Times Square with pipe bombs

Of course, success for Obama pretty much spells disaster for the rest of us, regardless of what the media propagandists are stuffing into the collective brain case of the LoFo’s (low-information voters). It is amazing how many of those Styrofoam packing peanuts they have managed to pile-drive into that void, but I digress.

ISIS release video that claims to show the beheading of American journalist Steven Sotloff

It is a rather eerie sort of atmosphere as type this here in the bunker; a thunderstorm is approaching with brilliant flashes of lightning, while I discuss Barry Soetoro’s ‘handbasket to Hell’ stratagem of free-world leadership. You know what they say: “Speak of the Devil.”

But, for all the words that Obama has spoken, he has said nothing and done quite enough—thank you very much. Are you better off than you were six years ago? Is the country better off than it was six years ago? The people of the world have spent the past 300 years trying to get to America and if the Progressives keep it up, they are all going to start trying to leave! I’ll bet Obama will build a fence then …

White House: America is NOT at war with ISIS

“Belief in a cruel God makes a cruel man.” – Thomas Paine

Everything is for the children according to the lefties, but they’ve mortgaged the future of the next two generations in order to bankroll Obama’s grand vision of utopia—more like distopia. Damn, what a guy! Did they say ANYTHING about the Iraqi Christians that the ISIL forces shot, stabbed, slashed, beat, beheaded, butchered, tortured, crucified and entombed alive? NO, they didn’t, because the Left believes that Christians are more extreme than Muslim jihadists!

Football team forced to remove Christian crosses from helmets

 Why Karl Rove and the GOP Establishment Will Lose Again

We can’t even get the the ‘establishment’ Republicans to extract their heads from the dark warm location where they have them ensconced … At least Cameron is beginning to see the light of day. Establishment Republicans suck, because they are willing to destroy their constituents way of life in order to preserve their own selfish beltway gravy trains.

Cameron Attacks Multiculturalism: ‘Adhering To British Values’ Is ‘Not A Choice’

Obama Meets With Hezbollah-Supporting Cleric on 9/11

Democrats … ‘er communist Progs are Hell-bent on this vision, even if means their own destruction.   They do not care about anything in any circumstance as long it is politically correct.

Dem Rep: Obama Must Go Forward On Amnesty To Quell Latino Racial Unrest

Immigration is a nightmare … and, it is plain as day what the American people want … close the damn boarder! We can’t adopt everyone who wants to be here. The problem with the world is the unequal distribution of Liberty and free market trade. Each continent should be able to at least be self-sustaining and its people free to determine their own destiny without the fear of being beheaded because they were inconsiderate of some 7th century, marauding, mad-man named Muhammad.

John Kerry: Bible Tells Us to Protect Muslim Countries From Global Warming

This may be our darkest hour … it would really be a shame not to give this our all and then come up a yard short, when so many who have gone before us, have given the ultimate sacrifice. Obama told UpChuck Todd on Meet the Depressed, that the ‘American people need to understand the nature of the threat …’ No, Mr. President, you misguided fool, we already understand the ‘nature of the threat’—we’ve been waiting on you to find your ass with both hands!

David Horowitz: The Hell That is the Obama White House

Hells Bells – AC/DC

“Those who can make you believe absurdities can make you commit atrocities.”Voltaire

Indefensible Duplicity, Pt. 1

A duplicity-77882686Opinion by AAABTonto:

Nearly everything that we see and hear in the media has or is becoming politicized and twisted to provide the viewer with a preordained conclusion. It takes some due diligence to separate the peppercorns from the rabbit pellets if you want to gain an authentic perspective of our current circumstance locally, nationally or internationally. It takes persistence, knowledge and awareness.

We have allowed each new generation of Americans to grow up with less of an education than the previous generation. We have a population that is nearly historically illiterate. Thus, they have nothing to compare themselves to; for them, history began when they were born. They are ‘lost in time’.

History is my favorite scholastic subject, because it contains all of the other subjects. It is fascinating beyond description and to disregard it, is a fool’s errand. Now that the Progressive Movement has provided us an entire nation of gullible minions, the powerful can practice their duplicity with impunity. The masses can be hypnotized by the bright shiny object and whipped into a frenzy over the tiniest of situations. The MSM can aim their spray-foam propaganda at will and flagrantly ignore the most obvious facts in evidence simply by calling someone, who thinks differently than they do, a racist, homophobe, tea-bagger or any of a number of other scurrilous names. Yet, when a conservative CORRECTLY labels a Marxist a Marxist, the conservative is once again berated, stepped on and dragged through the mud.

What is duplicity, duplicitous behavior?

noun \du̇-ˈpli-sə-tē also dyu̇-\

: dishonest behavior that is meant to trick someone

1 : contradictory doubleness of thought, speech, or action; especially : the belying of one’s true intentions by deceptive words or action
2 : the quality or state of being double or twofold
3 : the technically incorrect use of two or more distinct items (as claims, charges, or defenses) in a single legal action

Politicians have practiced the art of duplicity for centuries. It is nothing new. In fact the assault on American Liberty has waged on since before its inception. If we could manage to get some actual history taught in our schools again, we could teach our children to recognize it. And therein lies the problem; the fox is guarding the hen house—the Progressive Leftists are in charge of our children’s education. They feign compassion, concern and talk of improved results, while dumbing the students down and indoctrinating them into victimolgy and group think. There is abundant evidence to prove this; look at the curriculum, fewer art and music classes, no tolerance policies, food Nazis in the lunchrooms, no ‘winning’ in sports. This is all a bunch of namby-pamby falderal and it is duplicitous!

Dana Loesch on Common Core

The Left’s Common Core claim is to make graduating students  ‘job ready’, but these kids aren’t even reading at the 8th grade level when they leave high school and it IS BY DESIGN! The Progressive Left doesn’t want citizens who can think for themselves; that’s inconvenient at times. They need Pavlovian shrews, who can be made to go along when required. The Obama administration is entirely dependent on their low-information voting base. They want ignorant serfs, who are dependent on government subsidies, voting for the continuation of their EBT privileges, housing or other govt. assistance.

A dupicitous obama-kool-aid Rules for thee but not for me …

 In the same way they are trying to grow their base by indoctrinating our children in our schools, the ruling class, beltway elites are doing their damnedest to ram ‘comprehensive immigration reform’ down our throats in order to create more government dependent Democrat voters. And amazingly, some of the GOP’s top dogs are going right along with it—because they’re in on it. They don’t want to disrupt the gravy train, they just want a chance to be the engineer—they want to drive the train.

We … want to derail it!

The following audio-video provides us the opportunity to witness the collision of low-information logic with the ‘comprehensive immigration reform/amnesty’  issue:

Mark Steyn vs. ultra low-information pro-amnesty caller

We have very steep hill to climb and we’re going to be fought the entire distance. We need some ‘cultural first responders’ to spread the good word of Liberty and we can begin to undo more than a century worth of damage wrought by Progressives and their endless meddling in the affairs of others.


Sinister Obama 1To be continued …

Cross-eyed & Painless (Part 1)

What idiot expected free speaking Americans to step into the 1st Amendment area?

Opinion by AAABTonto:

Willing, determined ignorance is going to be the death of this country. America allowed itself to become spoiled, soft, lazy and ignorant of everything critical to preserving our future. Many Americans are in denial of the fact that some not-so-nice people have designs on us and, despite the efforts of some to enlighten those who refuse to see, the willingly ignorant prefer to remain so.

My dear father—God rest his soul, would be utterly dismayed with the political goings on within our present government. Were he still alive, I honestly believe all of this would have killed him. He detested politicians and if he could see the flagrant, shameless, arrogant, manner in which the bureaucracies have become eager to increase their numbers, limit our liberties and build their own paramilitary units, his head would explode. ‘We the people’ are serfs; we are at the beckoned call of whatever bureaucratic bastion dictates to us, whenever we exercise some imaginative form of liberty.

Head is going to explode 6Oligarchy in the Twenty-First Century – Think rich conservatives rule the world? Think again …

Obama loves government. He loves imposing his will on the ‘once great America’ that needed to be cut down to size, because HE doesn’t think the way our country was founded was legitimate. So, Obama builds on regulation, he expands the size and number of government employees. He ramrods a an unconstitutional healthcare law through congress, against the will of the people and then puts the IRS in charge of it. Then he allows them to assemble their own armed contingencies. What the hell do these doughnut consuming museums of freeloading pensioners need with up-armored, tactile, military vehicles, stormtroopers and snipers?

Our president believes that the people should serve the government.

And you low information voters just think it’s great. You willingly abdicate your liberty. You would rather have someone else think for you, because it is too hard for you decide for yourself. As long as you can have you X Box and your smartphone—your audiovisual pacifiers, you don’t care about politics. That shit will take care of itself and you don’t want to think about it. Progressives don’t want to know about history; they say, “Why in the hell does one need to know about anything that has already happened? We’re all about the future, man.”

The socialists are in charge and the government is their weapon …

The IRS will now be free to regulate our health care concerns; why, I am sure they would never lord our ‘conservative’ politics over us—they’re nice people, just like those Muslims … and we’re supposed to grateful for His Highness’ brilliant vision. My God, man. Who could have known that so much wisdom could be extruded from one man’s mind?

Obama is in pursuit of tyranny …

MSNBC Host to People Who Lost Their ‘Crappy’ Coverage Under Obamacare ‘Just Deal With That’

Deal with this, smarmy one:

Not everyone is as stupid as you might prefer them to be. We may have been born at night, but it wasn’t last night. Your cross-eyed, numb and dumb-assed view of the planet is the problem and we can do some simple math to prove it. What you want us  to believe does not add up and you conveniently leave out all of the history that proves socialism’s track record has only brought pestilence and death every where and every time it has been employed, period. Millions upon millions of peoples have died under the auspices of socialism and its beloved-ly good intentions.

Press Tries to Discredit Conservatives With Cliven Bundy, Ignores Large Dem Donor Convicted of Brutal Domestic Abuse

So have we found a level to which the people will stand up and respond?

I think we have. The incident at the Bundy ranch in Nevada filled me with a sense of pride—Harry Reid be damned. The government bureaucrats are clueless as to how far the American people are going to allow them to go with their new found affection for authority and black military equipment. I think it is time we gave them clear understanding that we have reached the limit of our patience. This country is not a possession of the government. The government is supposed to be of and by the People. The People possess the government and thus are not subservient to it—at least not for much longer.

Sen. Elizabeth Warren: It’s ‘Dangerous’ to Want ‘Big Government’ to Disappear

You ‘progressive communists’ may well succeed at transforming America into the socialist toilet you envision; but even if you do, you will not be happy. You will wish for days like those we are arguing in right now, because we are at liberty to argue. In your world differences of opinion will be illegal.

The debate ends when you start blindly calling other people names and accusing them of thoughts and words that they have never had ownership of. That, my prog-commie friends, is uncivilized. Individual liberty must be a column in the refinement of our civilization’s future architecture. You are ‘civilized’, right ‘er correct? Maybe that’s why they call conservatives the ‘right’ … because they are!

Billionaire Tom Steyer: I’m Not Like the Koch Brothers

Talking Heads – Crosseyed And Painless (HQ)
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A commie barack_obamaThe government is their weapon … to be continued.

The Bill Cunningham Show: Wayne Allyn Root & Robert Spencer (audio)

Wayne Allyn Root and Robert Spencer – The Bill Cunningham Show 4/20/14 Hour 3
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Wayne Allyn Root

Robert Spencer

Slack Man in the Blight House

 A Obama great country‘The affordable Care Act is here to stay’

Opinion by AAABTonto:

President Obama is anything but presidential; he is a blight on the experiment of self governance. He is anti-liberty. Obama is the worst leader this country has ever had.

Obama once said, “We tried it their way and it didn’t work.”

That was Obama’s way of saying that free market capitalism was a failure, but not to worry because HE knew how to fix it with his Marxian genius. It was a declaration of war on liberty. The truth is that the Progressive Movement has been eroding liberty and free market capitalism for over a century now. They have wormed their way into every aspect of bureaucracy and municipality imaginable, to include our legal system. Law is no longer interpreted by facts it is argued by precedent. It is perverted by activist jurors. It is twisted into a vile tool of favoritism, oppression and recently persecution. ‘Our way’ isn’t working anymore because they have managed to muck everything up with their damnable rules and regulations.

It is Progressives who have pooped in the punch bowl, not the Tea Party.

We (those of us who see ourselves as conservatives or libertarians) all see Obama’s abuse of power, his disregard of the law—his own law and still the so-called press says NOTHING! The man is a complete and total embarrassment on the world stage and the press continues to try to paste lipstick on a very unattractive obvious fact—Obama is a disaster for America.

Obama claims that Putin made his annexation of Crimea “out of weakness” … What? What the hell is that? Obama was over in Europe yammering away about diplomatic solutions and Putin is doing whatever he damn well pleases. He just did what John Kerry said he “cannot do” in this, most modern of centuries; namely, invade and conquer a neighboring territory with real soldiers, guns, airplanes and tanks. In addition to that Putin continues to amass a large contingency of infantry on the eastern border of Ukraine as we approach summer. I wonder what might be on his mind.

Obama meets the Pope and they each tell vastly different descriptions of their conversation—no irony there. Everywhere Obama goes there seem to differing interpretations as to what happened and what was discussed. Obama politicizes everything he does. He does not govern; he does not lead.

Obama’s AG has been held in contempt of congress and yet nothing has been done to prosecute him. He acts as Obama’s defense attorney while he looks away from the obvious abuses by the IRS when they thwarted and suppressed the rights of Tea Party organizations who sought C3 and C4 status. Daryl Issa has threatened to hold Lois Lerner in contempt, but so what? Who is going to prosecute her, Eric Holder? In addition to that anything passed by the House will never see the light of day as long as the loveable Harry Reid sits atop the big boy chair in the Senate.

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HOLDER vs GOHMERT You Don’t Want To Go There Buddy! (I’M NOT YOUR BUDDY PAL!)

Another question ignored by the media is the militarization of the bureaucracies. What do all of these various alphabet soup agencies need with their own ‘paramilitary’ squads? The government need 200 armed soldiers to coral Cliven Bundy’s cows?

All of the above is a treasure trove of campaign ads for the GOP …

Meanwhile, the only thing we hear out of the GOP, is that Republicans shouldn’t listen to the Tea Party constituency because we need to moderate our position, provide amnesty for illegals, go along with Common Core, fix ObamaCare, and elect that complete and blithering poltroon, Jeb Bush to the Oval Office in 2016. Yep, going to have to fix it, that’s all we can do … it’s the law of the land. Except that not a single Republican voted for this damnable piece of cheese! The GOP elites don’t want to change any of this; they want to be in control of it. These beltway elites want to perpetuate this madness at our expense, so we don’t upset the schedule of their gravy train network! These greedy bastards are actually prioritizing their beltway buffet of privilege above that of saving our crumbling republic and it is a sad as it is outrageous. They are as progressive as the damn Democrats.

The Obama administration is awash in scandal and the GOP is not bothering to drag any of it into the light of day. This same cabal did not want to see Reagan elected, but the people got the job done.  We can get the job done again.

Thomas Paine“Those who expect to reap the blessings of freedom, must, like men, undergo the fatigues of supporting it.”
— Thomas Paine, The American Crisis, No. 4, September 11, 1777

American flag 2