Communist Karl Marx Endorsed by Obama as the Next President? [Trolling Obama Supporters]
Opinion by AAABTonto:
Do I really need to say anything here? This speaks for itself …
Communist Karl Marx Endorsed by Obama as the Next President? [Trolling Obama Supporters]
Opinion by AAABTonto:
Do I really need to say anything here? This speaks for itself …
FULL COVERAGE: 2 Million Bikers Rally To Washington , DC 9-11 TRIBUTE 2013
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Aerial Footage!! Two Million Bikers Rally Cruise Into DC 9/11!!
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9/11 Bikers Denied Permit for D.C. Ride – Belinda Bee – Fox & Friends – 9-11-13
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Syrian Woman Rips Into McCain At Town Hall For His Support For Bombing Syria 9 5 2013
John Boehner: I Support Obama’s Call to Action on Syria
Opinion by AAABTonto:
Really, boneless Johnny? You ass-kissing tool; this isn’t even Assad’s doing! Why are you NOT concerned with the Christian genocide taking place throughout the Muslim world? Do you ONLY become concerned when Muslims are victimized by other Muslims? John Boehner, you are a tragedy, a spineless idiot and fool. Resign as Speaker of the House!!
Help me … I am a clueless liberal …
Opinion by AAABTonto:
In this world gone mad I often wonder what will happen next. What will the next blast of gob frothing, lunatic, pabulum-puke, liberal outburst claim to be sexist, intolerant and racist? I am never disappointed by the lack of variety of industrial strength, maximum density and narcissistic insanity that liberals espouse in the main stream media, on a daily basis.
“It’s very clear that private-sector jobs have been doing just fine. It’s the public-sector jobs where we’ve lost huge numbers, and that’s what this legislation is all about.”
– Harry Reid
Okay, Al didn’t say that, but he may as well have …
‘Bye-Bye Black Sheep’: Racist GOP Birthers Call For ‘Muslim’ Obama’s Impeachment
“What we’re trying to do here is save the world from the Republican budget. We’re trying to save life on this planet as we know it today.”
– Nancy Pelosi
Jay Carney Says Immigration Reform Will ‘Increase Wages, Media laughs at the mere suggestion.
“We’re the country that built the Intercontinental Railroad.”
– President Barack Obama
Scenes From The Circus of Politics
And … THEY are insane, yet demanding that you view the world through THEIR twisted prism because your perspective of life isn’t valid. You are defective, because you believe those fairy tales in the Bible are real—never mind the plethora of archeological evidence that is being discovered verifying the historical accuracy of much of the Bible. YOU want to take away their right to choose to murder their own child. YOU want to suppress the minority vote because YOU want to make them show their photo ID! YOU want to pollute the planet and are the cause of global warming. And, YOU—you selfish bastard, you don’t think you should have pay for other peoples poor decisions even though the government consumes over half of wages you earn. You earned it, you greedy SOB now give it to someone else … or else!
“Well the good news is our emissions are way down because of the recession.”
– Claire McCaskill
Stuff Liberals Say
Stop me when I am lying—you can’t, because it is the truth. The outrageous thing is that these vessels of enlightenment proclaim that conservative Christians are the scourge of the planet, the cause of all evil, proclaim we’re intolerant, and incoherent. These fools shouldn’t be allowed to own anything sharp and they’re telling us we can’t own guns! They have successfully dumbed-down almost half the nation into believing the feckless, placating drivel they spew forth right through their pearly white teeth.
“And of course I want to express my gratitude to my family; to my mother and father who instilled in me the values that carried me this far.”
– Anthony Weiner – his resignation
MLK March
“The future must not belong to those who slander the prophet of Islam.”
– President Barack Obama
Shariah’s Assault on Free Speech: Warriors Who Refuse to be Silenced
Mark Levin “The Liberty Amendments” – (COMPLETE) Sean Hannity Special – Fox News – 8-16-13
Pat Condell: Boycott Halal
Race-baiting from Harry Reid?
Reid: I Hope Republican Opposition To Obama Is Not Due To His Race