Category Archives: 1st Amendment

Senator Ted Cruz & Ronald Reagan on ‘The Tonight Show’

Senator Ted Cruz, Part 1 – The Tonight Show with Jay Leno
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Senator Ted Cruz, Part 2 – The Tonight Show with Jay Leno
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Ronald Reagan on Carson wmv
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Michael Coren & Robert Spencer: Leftist/Islamic Supremacist Efforts to Enable Jihad (Video)

Michael Coren & Robert Spencer – Jihad Watch – Oct 31, 2013

Opinion by AAABTonto:

Many of us are consumed by the dysfunction of our own government and political events here in America, but there is an unspoken issue boiling below the surface of our awareness. It is the creeping advancements of radical Islam. I have not been able to comment on this as often as I would like, but I have not and will not cease to follow the “religion of peace” as it continues to expand its influence within our country.

EDL – Syrian conflict causes rising tension amongst Muslims in Australia

The Trick of Disaster

A statue of liberty up to her ears

Opinion by AAABTonto:

“It will be of little avail to the people that the laws are made by men of their own choice, if the laws be so voluminous that they cannot be read, or so incoherent that they cannot be understood; if they be repealed or revised before they are promulgated, or undergo such incessant changes that no man who knows what the law is today can guess what is will be tomorrow.”
– James Madison, Federalist no. 62, February 27, 1788

I received a letter from Indiana Republican Senator, Dan Coats, explaining his vote to end the government shutdown:

Avoiding Default, Ending Government Shutdown

Dan CoatsLast night I voted for legislation to fund the federal government through January 15, 2014 and raise the debt ceiling through February 7, 2014. The bill passed the Senate 81 to 18, passed the House of Representatives late last night and has been signed into law by President Obama.

While I deplored supporting yet another short-term Band-Aid, the only thing worse would have been a continued government shutdown, the United States defaulting on its debt obligations and the elimination of the spending reductions enacted by Congress in 2011. To my great disappointment, once again Congress is kicking the can down the road and ignoring what needs to be done.

I have voted more than two dozen times to repeal and replace Obamacare with common-sense health care reforms. Unfortunately, the strategy of the past few weeks failed to sway the President or Senate Democrats on repealing this law. However, as we’ve seen from Obamacare’s disastrous rollout, this law’s failures are more than mere glitches, and the fight to repeal it must and will continue.

I returned to public service to make the difficult choices necessary to tackle our debt, restore our country’s fiscal footing, and repeal the President’s devastating health care law. I am deeply disappointed with this short-term result, but my commitment to reducing our debt, growing the economy and stopping Obamacare will not waver. I will be an integral part of the ongoing efforts to address these serious challenges.

I can understand your position, Senator Coats, but I still think you made the wrong decision. And now, those who voted as you did, are patting themselves on the back and claiming to have made an “adult decision by avoiding disaster with calm cool heads and compromise.” You had an opportunity to finally tell Obama “no” and once again you feared the result. Economic calamity would not have been a result thereof.

First off and above all else, this whole damn situation started with Republican House demands for a one year delay in the roll out of ObamaCare for individuals; the same delay businesses were granted—which, the President had NO authority to grant to begin with. He has granted over 1400 such exemptions and thus violated the law he is supposed to uphold the same number of times. Then, as the debt ceiling deadline approached, these two issues became wound up together and thus it was concluded that the evil, Neanderthal Tea Party was “holding America hostage” because the President is black.

Never mind the rule of law or the Constitution or parliamentary procedure or facts, according to the Left the Tea Party just wants “anarchy” and to spread hate and ill will throughout the land while they torture little babies and kill old people … is this that “new tone” Liberals promised us? how ’bout a cozy to hell?!

I am (and conservatives are) fed up with this ridiculous, insulting belligerence! The Left perpetually hammers fictional accusations and twisted statistics in order to heap blame upon their opposition. This recent government shutdown was no exception. Here are some of those accusations and the truth that the MSM refused to tell:

1. The shutdown was going to cause economic disaster and we dodged a bullet – This was entirely false—hell, the stock market was up just prior to the deadline. This was all about Obama’s demands to barrow more money on top of what he has already spent—$17 trillion. We have enough monthly revenue to pay our bills. We just need to stop spending money we do not have! Only 17% of the government was shut down and although those people employed by the govt. were not being paid at the time, they will all be paid including the time they were furloughed. It was, in essence, a paid vacation for them!

2. American citizens were staunchly united against the conservative wing of the GOPThe truth is that the American people never wanted ObamaCare to begin withnot a single Republican voted for it and all the House was asking for was a one year delay for individuals.

3. This was disastrous for the grassrootsThe Tea Party (“anarchist, terrorists, kidnapping, legislative arsonists, obstructionists”) are constitutional activists, liberty-loving individuals who simply want the Constitution and the rule of law observed. This is the hope of the MSM—that their propaganda will stifle the opposition against Obamacare and Obama’s out of control spending. I don’t think the Tea Party is just going to roll over because the Left wants them too.

4. This issue is problematic for the Republican presidential roster in 2016The Republicans haven’t even decided on who their frontrunner is going to be and I suspect that GOP is going to feel heavy pressure to select a true conservative and to turn away from the influences of the Karl Rove crowd. Choosing another moderate presidential candidate is going to spell extinction for the GOP.

5. The shutdown has destroyed GOP chances for the Senate in 2014The ObamaCare roll out has been a disaster and people are discovering that it is causing their premiums to skyrocket. The ACA website is a joke and there are rumors that the code they used to write it may have been pirated. The 2014 election is still more than a year away and Obamacare will have had time to be seen as the disaster the Tea Party warned everyone it would be. Those who opposed  ObamaCare will be seen to have been on the right side of this issue plus the debt ceiling and will be rewarded for doing so.

6. Ted Cruz will be relegated to the dustbin of historyI don’t think so. Ted has thrust himself to the front of the class because he has done what the GOP has refused to do since Reagan left office—stand for principle. The Left is, in fact, terrified of Ted Cruz.

7. The effort to de-fund ObamaCare was futileThe efforts of Cruz and Lee brought a new awareness to those who don’t usually pay attention to politics and despite all derision directed at them for having the audacity to question Obama’s monarchical genius, they have become heroes in the eyes of conservatives. They have forced the GOP to recognize their plight—whether or not they’ll alter their suicidal course remains to be seen.

8. The American people were furious about the government shutdownReally? When those Americans who are lucky enough to have a job get furloughed they do not receive any salary. They are forced to forfeit that income and I submit to you that the American people are resentful of the govt. workers privileged status in this regard. Furthermore they resented being shut out of the national parks, memorials and monuments their tax dollars have already paid for. In the case of the WW2 Memorial, which was paid for by private donations, the persecution of those veterans outraged the public!

MRC Study: How the Broadcast Networks Spun the Shutdown Obama’s Way

The problem is that the GOP is ignoring reality and its base—but not only ignoring their base they excoriate them, blaming them for things they have not done and don’t have the power to do—yet. The GOP is so afraid of the mainstream media that it dares not utter any criticism of the President, who is not only in need of criticism, but in need of being served an entire stack of subpoenas! The GOP has no other strategy than “moderation” which has failed repeatedly; the GOP needs to dump the advice of the Karl Rove crowd and pursue a path of principle and restore the Constitution.

Limbaugh: GOP Has Made A Decision Not To Exist

The GOP needs to find a new embrace of conservatism and begin confronting the President. Chris Cristie and Jeb Bush are NOT going to be a solution to the GOP’s fecklessness!

Why We’ll Keep Fighting Obamacare – Jim DeMint

Former Obama Official Warns Americans Opposed To Obamacare: “Back Off”…

Liberals become more shrill when they feel threatened—so let’s make them as insecure as we possibly can. Their hatred of America is all the ammunition we need. We just need to turn it back on them and hound them mercilessly with it.

Keep Your Chins Up, Conservatives

How dare the people oppose the POTUS?! Obama just won this battle over the shutdown and he is still unhappy. Then, straightaway, he came out and scolded the Republicans for allowing Cruz to defy him. He told us (paraphrased): “if we didn’t like a policy or the direction the country was going, then we needed to go out and win an election.” Well excuse me, Mr. President, your arrogance precedes you. Someone might remind you that that is exactly what Ted Cruz and Mike Lee did. They won elections and they are doing what they promised they would do for those who elected them.

Obama is supposed to be the most superior leader on the planet, yet he cannot articulate his position—he has to impose it. He does not know how to compromise because he has gotten his spoiled-ass way his entire life! He employs the MSM to go out and commit character assassinations and to pummel the public with propagandized disinformation. The “petulant ONE” knows the Tea Party isn’t going to go away and the GOP knows they aren’t going to go away as well. The Tea Party is a significant threat to the status quo inside the DC beltway and I draw sustenance from that fact.

Following the conclusion of the debt ceiling vote Obama immediately immediately began harping on immigration reform. He is already distracting us from all that happened and all the other things that the media should be focused on. The media must be confronted in the same manner that Obama should be confronted—by not accepting their flawed premises and forcing them off of their agenda.

The Tea Party needs to continue to occupy Obama’s head—rent free!

A gadsden-flag-whitehouse

There’s No Racist Like a Liberal Racist

There’s no racist like a liberal racist

Al Sharpton White people are racist

Opinion by AAABTonto:

The accusative Progressive chorus that “conservatives are racist” is never-ending. It has rendered the GOP lip-locked and utterly terrified at the thought of criticizing Obama at a time when Liberty is suffering its most intense assault in the history of our country. Not responding to this salacious slander is, to the Progressive, tantamount to admission of guilt. Add the blame the GOP has heaped on the Tea Party only serves to embolden the Left further.

RUSH: Republicans Seeking To Get Rid Of Their Conservative Base

If the GOP has any hope for a future, it needs to stop attacking its base and start attacking the assailants of Liberty. Socialism has failed everywhere and every time it has been employed throughout the history of mankind. How many times does this need to be heralded?

Answer: for ever and ever!

H.L. Mencken“The most dangerous man to any government is the man who is able to think things out for himself, without regard to the prevailing superstitions and taboos.”
– H.L. Mencken

Progressives seek to eliminate individualism. The individual is threatening to the collective—the state. They seek to modularize various groups of people (by race, class and sex) so they can stack them like toy blocks and thus fulfill their precious societal architecture. This is utterly un-American and it is the very substance of Obama’s “fundamental transformation.”

Heritage Action president Michael Needham defends conservative fight

Would Andrew Breitbart give up?


Harry Reid – Professional Jackass

Harry Reid Goes Off on GOP for Causing Shutdown: ‘Embarrassing’ Tea Party ‘Anarchists’ Run the Show

Opinion by AAABTonto:

I am sick and damn tired of the pompous ass, Harry Reid. Shutting down the pathetically inefficient government is NOT an “blow to America”—it is about damn time!

Harry says, “All they (Republicans) have to do is accept what we already passed … they are fixated on embarrassing our President …”

No, Harry, all we have to do is give you the finger, which we should have began doing four years ago when you began ignoring the law by NEVER passing a budget and allowing the President to spend us into oblivion! We don’t HAVE to do ANYTHING YOU think we have to do, because we are AMERICANS! We are not “anarchists”—we want YOU to follow the rule of law! We tell dishonest, snake oil salesmen like you to let the door hit you in the ass!

No one wanted ObamaCare when you originally got it passed … on a Friday … at midnight … after bribing and arm-twisting half the congress—not a SINGLE Republican voted FOR it. Yet, you shoved it down our throats anyway and now it’s killing everything it touches. The President ran all over the country promising that it wasn’t a tax and THEN the ONLY way it survived the scrutiny of the Supreme Court was when Justice Roberts contorted himself into a pretzel and decided that it was constitutional because it was a tax!

There is seat in hell reserved solely for you, Harry!

An ObamaCare_Needle_Poster

Separation of Mosque and State


Musnad AhmadMuhammad said: “The whole earth has been shown to me until I saw the east of the east and the west of the west and I saw that the authority of Islam ruled all that I saw.”

Opinion by AAABTonto:

Like many of the meaningful issues that are being obscured by the situation in Syria and the negligence of our main stream media, Islam is silently worming its way through our societal superstructure while our elected officials default on the defense of religious liberty and the 1st Amendment.

The problem with Islam is that it is a 7th Century ideology trying to claim superiority in the 21st Century. Add to that, that there is no compassion within its theocratic discipline and confusion as to what those theocratic duties actually require and you have all the elements  required to facilitate fanatical activism.

Shariah’s Assault on Free Speech: Warriors Who Refuse to be Silenced

Then the Progressive Left comes along, and while simultaneously bashing Christians, they embrace the plight and need for the “rights of Muslims” because they are another minority which they can add to their inventory of victims—and YOU are Islamophobic! The problem is not that radical Muslims are beheading Christians and burning churches, it is that YOU are a heartless, thoughtless, cruel, conservative Christian. You are an extremist Neanderthal who believes in the Bible and the constitution of all things!

THIS … is the “fundamentally transformed” America of Obama’s dreams.

And your own political party won’t even bother to defend you—that is the mystifying, aggravating issue with the ruling class Republican elitists … they are willing to sell us all down the river in order to preserve their beltway buffet of privilege. They made that clear when they denied the Tea Party electorates ANY speaking platform at the RNC. They nominated that all-time winner Mitt Romney—because they believe that the Tea Party is a bunch of religious rubes and we couldn’t possibly fathom the erudite and genius methods of the beltway RINOs.

Led by Karl Rove, this crowd is more nefarious than the Democrats because we expect Democrats to stab us in the back, but the Tea Party carried all of the water for the Republicans in 2010 and our reward was ridicule and scorn. Rove engineered the Romney campaign and yet he blames the Tea Party for his own miserable failure. Thus, they are unwilling to focus any blame on the Obama administration for fear of reprisal in the media. Silently, Sharia creeps into the fabric of America, while we fight amongst ourselves.

Sahih al-Bukhari 6922Allah’s Messenger said, “If anyone changed his Islamic religion, then kill him.”

Hamza Yusuf prooves that Islam is the truth

Oh, I’m sorry … did someone lie about the prophet of Islam? I don’t think so …

Qur’an 98:6 – Verily, those who disbelieve (in the religion of Islam, the Qur’an and Prophet Muhammad) from among the people of the Scripture (Jews and Christians) and Al-Mushrikun will abide in the Fire of Hell. They are the worst of creatures.

In her book, Cruel and Unusual Punishment, former Muslim Nonie Darwish outlines the incongruities of Sharia law and American law, including:

1 Death penalties for anyone leaving Islam
2 Death penalties for adultery
3 Death penalties for homosexuality
4 Special taxes imposed on non-Muslims
5 Institutionalized inequality; Muslims are respected over non-Muslims, as are men over women, the wealthy over the working class.
6 Allowance for slavery
7 Allowance for polygamy
8 No minimum age for marriage
9 Harsh penalties, like flogging, dismemberment, and beheading, for speaking against Islam and specifically Mohammed.

And exclusively for women:

1 Your testimony is only worth half that of a man’s
2 It’s not rape without four male witnesses. Otherwise it’s adultery. See #2 above.
3 High burdens of proof for divorce (while husbands merely have to speak a phrase)
4 Forced marriages
5 No protection against domestic violence
6 Losing custody of your children if you remarry
7 Strict clothing/modesty laws…you can be imprisoned for forgoing a veil or showing your ankles

As David Swindle noted right after the Boston Marathon jihad bombing,

“We are now entering a new phase of the Islamic war to replace liberal societies with Sharia law. This is World War IV, a multi-decade conflict that will be for our generation what the war against Nazism and Fascism was for our grandparents. Except it will probably be worse.”

The very idea that Sharia should or even could coexist within our constitutional republic is absurd! Islam is a theocratic culture—the law is the religion. To make it even more absurd and complicated, Sharia is administered by Imams, so there is no consistency in their rulings. If one is looking for advice you can “shop around” for an Imam that will give you a favorable ruling, but if you are being judged on a matter of criminality, then the judgement is final and there is no appeal.

Still confused? Well then, let’s take a look:

Sharia in Syria

Robert Spencer in PJ Lifestyle: Could the Rape Jihad Come to America?

Sunan Ibn Majah 4337It was narrated from Abu Umamah that the Messenger of Allah said: “There is no one whom Allah will admit to Paradise but Allah will marry him to seventy-two wives, two from houris and seventy from his inheritance from the people of Hell, all of whom will have desirable front passages and he will have a male member that never becomes flaccid (i.e., soft and limp).” Hisham bin Khalid said: “From his inheritance from the people of Hell” means: “Men who enter Hell, and the people of Paradise will inherit their wives, just as the wife of Pharaoh will be inherited.”

Robert Spencer is probably America’s foremost authority on Islam:

The Brutal Truth About Islam

Ibn Kathir on Qur’an 5:51Allah forbids His believing servants from having Jews and Christians as friends, because they are the enemies of Islam and its people, may Allah curse them. Allah then states that they are friends of each other and He gives a warning threat to those who do this, (And if any among you befriends them, then surely he is one of them.) Ibn Abi Hatim recorded that `Umar ordered Abu Musa Al-Ash`ari to send him on one sheet of balance the count of what he took in and what he spent. Abu Musa then had a Christian scribe, and he was able to comply with `Umar’s demand. `Umar liked what he saw and exclaimed, “This scribe is proficient. Would you read in the Masjid a letter that came to us from Ash-Sham” Abu Musa said, `He cannot.” `Umar said, “Is he not pure” Abu Musa said, “No, but he is Christian.” Abu Musa said, “So `Umar admonished me and poked my thigh (with his finger), saying, `Drive him out (from Al-Madinah).’ He then recited, (O you who believe! Take not the Jews and the Christians as friends…)”

Numerous states have passed or are considering passing “American Laws for American Courts” (ALAC) legislation, which block the use of foreign law in American courts when the application of said foreign law would deprive Americans of their Constitutional rights. You would think this would be a no-brain-er, but amazingly enough, ALAC bills have many critics—imagine that? In the following video, Robert Muise of the American Freedom Law Center responds to criticisms of ALAC:

Defense of American Laws for American Courts (ALAC) & Response to Critics

Sahih Muslim 4366It has been narrated by ‘Umar b. al-Khattab that he heard the Messenger of Allah say: I will expel the Jews and Christians from the Arabian Peninsula and will not leave any but Muslim.

Team B II: Shariah, the Threat to America

Christians Under Siege in Middle East While Politicians, Church Leaders Silent

The Obama administration is failing in its duties to protect us from the aggression of Islam both at home and abroad. His Muslim sympathies are a direct conflict of interest to the safety and security of the United States. He has said almost nothing in respect to the persecution of Christians and non-Muslims in the Middle East and elsewhere.

Syrian Quagmire and Obama’s Silence on Persecution of the Church

Resistance … there should be an organized Christian militia and it should be large and suitably equipped with best technologies available. NO ONE is standing up to Islam while political correctness inhibits common sense … Our next president should make an exception to the legality of raising such an army. I am quite positive their would be no shortage of volunteers.

I guess I see this as being an effort independent from the US government, though I wouldn’t refuse their help if offered. I don’t hate Muslims, I detest the teachings of Islam—its purpose is to subjugate ALL other religions. I see this idea (and its only an idea there Mr. NSA operative) as being a multinational group of Christian mercenaries, whose sole purpose would be to defend fellow Christians from persecution. They would also provide food, financial aid, weapons and medical assistance. Maybe there already is such an organization, if so I am unaware of it?

If you want to be Muslim then I think you should be able to do so, that said I think that if someone wants to renounce Islam (apostasy is a crime under Islamic rule) and leave said country he or she should be free to so—not punished by death! Islam’s presumed supremacy flies in the face of our constitution and human rights in general.

You Want to Help Syria’s Christians? Send Guns

Nina Shea, citing Syria’s large but defenseless Christian minority—the most vulnerable group in Syria because they have no militias or army to protect them, writes:

The American people and their political representatives must raise the issue of reprisals against Christians and other minorities. It is clear that neither our allies on the ground nor Prince Bandar and their other benefactors in Saudi Arabia and the Gulf care.

Our diplomatic efforts in Syria will never result in a cessation of violence between the varied Islamic sects, our efforts there should be to provide the Christian minority with the means to defend themselves—guns and ammunition. This would, of course, hold true in any part of the world.

Let’s Blame Bush’s “Lies” for Obama’s Syria Fiasco

I have yet to say anything about the recent terrorist attack at Westgate Mall in Nairobi, Kenya. Western leaders and the media assure us that it had nothing to do with Islam, and that, by killing and torturing unbelievers, al-Shabaab is violating the commands of Allah and Muhammad. However, when we open the Qur’an to see what it teaches, we discover that Islamic teachings prescribe the actions taken by the terrorists at the Westgate Mall. We learn that Islam has been subjugating and persecuting unbelievers  for fourteen hundred years.

The Nairobi Mall Massacre

 Al-Shabaab leader hails “Battle of Nairobi,” quotes Qur’an: “You killed them not, but Allah killed them”

A kenya hell westgate mall

Under the rule of Islam the mosque is the state …

This is Not America

Parent Arrested from Common Core Meeting for speaking out of turn

Opinion by AAABTonto:

I have to tell you, there are many things I see that anger me, but not very many that make me come out of my chair swinging. This video is evidence of the Progressive Left’s superiority complex. This man did NOTHING to warrant his removal from the meeting much less his being arrested.

The meeting was centered around a new curriculum that is being implemented in public schools throughout the country called “common core”.  Critics of this this new curriculum contend that it lowers scholastic expectations and is less challenging. This trend is evidenced in by the dilution of academic material in public education over the past 3 decades. More is taught about former president Bill Clinton than is taught about World War Two.

Robert Small, age 46, was one of the only parents who possessed the courage to speak up, despite the many other parents cheering him on.

“Look, I am being manhandled and shut down because I asked inconvenient questions,” Small declared. “Why won’t they allow an open forum where there can be a debate? We are told to sit there and be lectured to about how great common core is.”

As he was being removed, Small said, “Don’t stand for this. You are sitting here like cattle.” Then he said, “Is this America?”

The Baltimore Sun reported that he was taken to the Towson precinct and detained. Small was charged with second-degree assault of a police officer—a fine of $2,500 and up to 10 years in prison, and disturbing a school operation—a fine of $2,500 and up to six months. So, asking a poignant question is unruly? Being a concerned parent is criminal?

I sincerely hope that Mr. Robert Small has retained legal council and planning to file suit against the school board in question, the arresting officer and the municipality of jurisdiction.  He is entitled to his 1st Amendment right to speak and I think the other parents present should have done more to protest the situation. More here:

Maryland parent was physically removed from meeting and charged with second-degree assault on a police officer after questioning “common core” curriculum.

The arrogance of the Progressive Left has no limits and they don’t seem to have any problem with just shutting you up as opposed to debating you in a civilized, honest forthright manner. No, take the none-believer away, he isn’t thinking “correctly” and should not be allowed to contaminate the rest of the people they are attempting to indoctrinate.

Parent Arrested from Common Core Meeting for Speaking Out of Turn

Parent Arrested from Common Core Meeting for Speaking Out of Turn – See more at:

Parents questions unanswered at Common Core meeting

common core cartoon

Pat Condell: A Word to Left-wing Students

A word to left-wing students

Opinion by AAABTonto:

This is rich. There are few people willing to tell it like it is and Pat Condell is one of them. The Progressive Left is a form of devolution. It is not morally superior, it is in fact, inferior because the Left refuse to face the questions that would undermine their flawed beliefs. Their attempts to prevent those opposed to them from speaking belies their infallibility.