Tony Perkins & Sen. Mike Lee (R-Utah) at Values Voter Summit 2013
Daily Archives: October 13, 2013
The Flaw of the Land
Ben Carson Warns: ‘Socialized Medicine Is Keystone to Establishment of a Socialist State’
Opinion by AAABTonto:
Washington, D.C. is 22 square miles surrounded by reality. I don’t think there is any other group in the world that is more detached from the truth than those who occupy our nation’s capitol. Now, I am not the brightest bulb on the tree nor the sharpest knife in the drawer, but the fundamental problem with Obama is his “fundamental transformation” of the greatest human experiment in the history of man—America.
His centerpiece for said transformation is the Affordable Healthcare Act (ACA); affectionately known as ObamaCare. Socialized medicine has been the goal of Progressives for nearly a century and even Ronald Reagan was steadfastly opposed to its implementation. This damnable piece of cheese was jammed through the legislative process via numerous and nefarious methods. While it was being promoted, the President promised us it was not a “tax,” not a single Republican voted for it, a majority of the people were against its implementation and once it was passed and it made its way to the scrutiny of the Supreme Court, Justice Roberts “saved” its demise by declaring that it was a “tax”! Thank you, Justice Roberts …. What happened there? I wonder if he wasn’t blackmailed somehow, but I digress.
Everything that the President promised us regarding ObmaCare has turned out to be untrue—yes, LIES! And yes, I am calling the President a liar; because he lied. It is NOT because he happens to be black. I don’t care if he is mauve with orange pinstripes; he lied, he is lying and will probably continue to lie. ObamaCare is an unmitigated disaster!
Obamacare: Impact on Taxpayers
1 The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act of 2010 will raise taxes on middle-income families in direct violation of President Obama’s pledge not to do so.
2 Many families that make far less than $250,000 a year have high-end health plans and will be subject to the excise tax.
3 The increased hospital insurance payroll tax rate will fund a new entitlement separate from Medicare for the first time.
4 Applying the HI tax to investment income will discourage investment and lead to slower economic growth, fewer jobs, and lower wages.
5 The individual mandate amounts to a de facto tax on individuals who do not want to purchase insurance.
6 The biggest tax hikes will take effect after President Obama’s first term and many Members of Congress are out of office.
7 The health legislation includes a myriad of smaller tax hikes, many of which will fall on middle- and lower-income Americans.
Ronald Reagan Speaks Out Against Socialized Medicine
This disaster is not any kind of of improvement on healthcare. In fact, it is a hindrance to obtaining healthcare. I wholly admit that there are problems with our healthcare system, especially from the insurance side of things. However, socializing medicine and erecting a bloated, vindictive bureaucracy to lord over and dispense healthcare is hardly an efficient method by which to streamline the industry. Issues with free market economics tend to repair themselves if given the opportunity, but socialist are opportunists and socializing medicine is the socialists on ramp to ultimate power.
Seniors Will Lose Big Under Obamacare
Obamacare’s Impact on Seniors
Take an aspirin and die. “There are no death panels,” yea right … This is redistribution at its most evil. Anyone with half a brain can understand that healthcare costs increase for all of us as we begin to age. Under this new system bureaucrats will determine who will get certain treatments based on a person’s age—the older you are the less efficient it is provide expensive procedures and thus our quality of life in old age is going to be diminished. Expenses will have to be curbed and distributed to those “most deserving.”
How Much Is Your Health Insurance Going Up Thanks to Obamacare?
Liberty is lost. This all about the limitation of choice, which is ironic because the people who are in favor of ObamaCare are almost all “pro choice” when it comes to abortion. However, when it comes to choosing anything else you need to ask their permission first. So is the government’s healthcare website just an exchange or is it something more? Is it a personal information vacuum designed to collect data on citizens?
Top IRS ObamaCare Official Advised White House On Groups Challenging Contraception Mandate
The Left claims that healthcare is a right. Really? If it is a right, then why do they need to penalize us for not “exercising” our right? Do rights need to be enforced by the IRS? Their entire contention that healthcare is a right cannot stand up to logical scrutiny; it is an intellectual fraud. The whole thing is unconstitutional and they know it.
Alright, conservatives expect the persecution and derogatory drivel from Democrats, but we’re also receiving it from the ungrateful GOP. After several dozen symbolic bills to “repeal” the dreadful ObamaCare were passed by the House—only to be placed in Harry Reid’s morgue drawer for Republican legislation—boneless Johnny Boehner was finally persuaded to pull the plug on the funding of ObamaCare and asked the President to delay its implementation for one year—money for government spending is controlled by the House.
Obama, the ONE who waited for himself, threw an toddler’s temper tantrum and forced the shutdown of the government—well, 17% of it. Then promptly blamed the Tea Party for holding his beloved bill hostage and then began calling them “anarchists, legislative arsonists, terrorists with bombs strapped to their chests, kidnappers, extortionists …” and numerous other hateful, childish names. How erudite and sophisticated. Man, what a leader!
RINOs Strike Tea Party Over Shutdown
“It’s time for someone to act like a grown-up in this process,” former New Hampshire Gov. John Sununu stated, laying blame at the feet of Texas Sen. Ted Cruz and Tea Party Republicans as much as President Barack Obama for their uncompromising stance. Sununu, Rove and the whole host of beltway RINO elitists fault the Tea Party for their own failed strategies. They believe the media when they tell them that the GOP’s problem is their nasty base—the Tea Party. They think that trying to de-fund ObamaCare is going to make them look bad, that anything we might do to oppose Obama will cause the Republican Party shame. The media NEVER says anything favorable about Republicans unless they have forfeited some core conservative belief. When will Republicans come to realize this fact?
LeviConfronts Sen. Ron Johnson on Obamacare
More Conservative, Less Republican
The truth is that these RINOs don’t want to upset their beltway buffet of privilege. They don’t want to effect any political change or reduce the size of our bloated government. They just want to be in control of it themselves. They claim that they need to control the White House and both houses of congress in order to effect change, but the last time they had all three legs of the stool, they just spent more taxpayer dollars and increased the girth of the government’s bloated bureaucracies. They don’t care to defend their own constituents or their own country from the clutches of socialism? Apparently …
New ObamaCare premiums come as shock to some consumers (Video)
Then there is the epic failure of the government’s Obamacare website. The President calls it a “glitch,” but they’ve had three years to set this up and spent $634 million of taxpayer’s money on it and the damn thing does not work! It is a turd!
Obama, the Progressive Left and the ruling class Republicans are flawed. They are ruling this country against the will of the people. They are trying to rig the game so that the people can never win. ObamaCare is not the “law of the land”—it is the flaw of the land!