Islam Is Dividing Us

Republican students bullied out of their own event ...

Islam Supporters Bully College Republicans Out Of Their Own Event (Full Version)

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Islamists, Socialists Eject Videographer From Public Event

Opinion by AAABTonto:

This sickens me. The more we attempt to educate people on the truth about Islam the more the Left, Muslim sympathizers and Islamic radicals attempt to squelch said truths. It isn’t a crime to be critical of Islam, no more than it is a crime to be critical of Christianity. Yet, here we have a crystalline example of how political correctness perpetuates propaganda and misinformation.

Robert Spencer:

… the film Obsession, which the College Republicans were trying to show, is a tepid and half-hearted presentation of the jihad threat, marred by the usual politically correct whitewashes.

So the movie they were attempting to show does not even explain the true implications of Islam as might learn if you follow Robert Spencer, David Wood, Pamela Geller or Frank Gaffney. How soon will it be before they come for them? How soon will it be before they come for Tonto? We have no hatred for Muslims. What we have is an awareness that Islam is a very real threat to our sovereignty–both personally and politically. Islam is as much a threat to our liberty as is the Obama administration itself–and they are the ultimate Muslim sympathizers!

DoJ places a chill on criticism of Islam


‘Whip Some Head’ – ‘It is not Against the Law to Leak Classified Information’

‘Whip Some Head’

Opinion by AAABTonto:

I think this video speaks for itself … Obama and Holder are Gods and their slavish minions are willing to allow them ANY transgression of the law in order for him to succeed. After all, to be critical of either of these two is “racist”!

It’s not illegal to leak classified information? Only if you’re the President and he has taken full advantage of that luxury at every opportunity–and it may have cost the lives of Seal Team 6 …

What happened to SEAL Team Six? The most serious scandal of all …

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