You have got to be kidding me … is there NOTHING that liberals understand?
MSNBC host Melissa Harris-Perry compared Guantanamo Bay detainees to American slaves during the 19th century. Responding to the hunger strike by the Guantanamo detainees, she said, “This is the time to reaffirm our Americanness.”
This is another demonstration of the insanity of liberals. They will never understand that evil exists and that you cannot make friends with those who are determined to kill you because their God told them to do so. I would recommend a visit to an Islamic country. Let’s start up a travel fund and send this glittering jewel of stupidity off to the Islamic country of her choice and let her experience Muslim hospitality first hand. Let her research the rights of women under the auspices of Islam–the religion of peace.
The liberals are going to sleep walk right through the gates of hell and into the arms Sharia. I don’t believe that there is any way to convince them of their gullible, vulnerable, narcissistic vanity–it is going to be their undoing and they may drag the rest of us along with them. Not even the savage stabbing and beheading of an off duty British soldier seems to convince them.
Prime Minister David Cameron Meets with COBRA to Discuss Woolwich Attack
Prime Minister David Cameron is a fool in utter denial. Islam IS THE REASON that this kind of savagery is perpetrated. The sooner that this fact is realized and dealt with the sooner we will find ourselves moving toward sanity and return this world-gone-mad closer to a civilized state.
Jihad Returns to London: A Reply to Prime Minister David Cameron
You heard David Wood mention the name Anjem Choudary. Who is this Anjem Choudary? Let’s find out, shall we? Woolwich Attacker Michael Adebolajo was one of Anjem Choudary’s followers or “understudies,” if you will.
Video Of Woolwich Attacker Michael Adebolajo taking part in Islamist Demonstration Emerges
Anjem Choudary on Newsnight Discussing Michael Adebolajo & Woolwich Beheading of Lee Rigby
Anjem Choudary has learned the liberal tactic of talking over one’s critics quite well. He will hear NOTHING that challenges his morality–because HE IS SUPERIOR to those quizzical infidels in the above video, who are badgering him about not finding it within himself to condemn the Woolich killing. This is evil and it is as plain as day. One needs only the courage to accept it; unless of course, that one tiny acknowledgement of the truth will will cause the rest of your fragile, fictitious existence to come crumbling down about you?